The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)

HELP WANTED Female 63-2 SCHOOLS, twitructiowe 54 LOTS FOR SAL1 S3 FABMS-Acreao for Sato 63 MORTGAGE Loon. 60 BUSINESS Opportunities 51 HOUSES for SAL! 56 Business Property for Sal rtantui Sftttta.l Classified A M1U 10 BUY-BUILD-5ELL-REFI NANCE FHA ond VA MORTGAGES First Mortoeg Carp, sf Florid. 104 Edgewater Dr. 241 -A -S4. CONVENTIONAL Or private loan en residential, commercial, ranch.

grov. properties, tonieer. HALL BROS. Realtor, 27 E. Robinson, GA 3-852S EMIS SAYS: need a mortgage? Conventional, FHA, VA, Private.

can uernis, JU so, 424-44 is, LOW COST-QUICK ACTION All type, first stand rnertg. can Mr. win lh 1-4644 anytim; 24 nr. service, 1317 W. Colonial.

IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Funds for horn, financing. Ham reaerai saving Loan Assn. or Orange County, 2750 W. Colonial. 4V4U4U.

LOAN FUNDS Cash for mortaao loans er pur. chase of existing mortgages on Oriendo or Suburban real estate, monthly or term payments. Prompt nananng. VERGOWE AGENCY 37 E. Pin.

GA -733. 63-1 MONEY WANTED St. Mark Lutheran Church Bonds NVfebT AT 6 PCT. Phon Ml 44991 or writ 1121 W. rairqan Tor prospectus.

59 PCT. DISCOUNTS en good 04 pet, ral estate land contracts, Ed-die Clemons, Klsslmm. S47-2380. PRIVATE PARTY want to borrow $5,000 foe 2 Vrs. Hav hiilnc anil qulpment valued at $25,000 for security, yvrne pox V7 s-Sfar.

63-2 SCHOOLS, instruction. Heaw EnuiDment Troinlnjs Leant th easy way her In Fla, Call or writ. 423-2141, 2311 E. South Orlando, for Information. IBM COMPUTETt training, pro gramming tc.

For men and wom en. Florida Technical College, 111 I. Jefferson St. GA 5-86S1. REAL ESTATE STUDENTS Want to pass th first tlm, If so loin our ntxt class starting Sept.

day or nights. (Est-1944). There I. a difference In courses, before you spend money, personally Investigate. Comprehensive prospectus by mall or call Dr.

McClaskey School of Real Estate Law. 444-2250, Winter Park, Fia. REAL ESTATE REVIEW COURSE: Open fo all who are filed to take the Monday Real Estate examinations. On the weekend before, we offer a refresher-review. 1J hours of comprehensive preparation.

Very low tuition. Call Dr. McClaskey, 644- 2250 (Est 1946). scnooi of Real Estate Law Winter Park. GOOD POSITION WAITING High pay for those who ere trained In the art of halrdressing.

Enroll, new classes forming. Orlando Academy of Beauty Culture, 2422 Edge- water, V.M l-IJII. THERE'S A FUTURE FOR YOU WITH co. AT CAPE CANAVERAL FLORIDA ACREAGE: Ovr 14 acres; mile S. off E.

Hwy, 50, situated In the Bithlo-Rocket City er'-4. Reer of this property borders Big Eccn River. Priced at $6jj par acre. Can be broken into 3 parcels of 4.1 acres eech. No better bargain on the Nova route.

Call Car-riqen Boland, GA 3-4551; eves 85.V6245. it Chuluota Lakefront 40 acres en beautiful sorln. fed. sand bottom Lake Nixon, epprox, one mile of road frontage Ideal for country stt or mob; home- site. $32,000 With 2 pet.

down, balance 5 to 10 years. Call Tom Hamer tor appoinrmeni. JACK DEMETREE, REALTOR CR 7-1921 Sun, Ml 4-1651 EGG FARM On city but line, fully eaulooed. 1W fertile acres. 4-bedroom furnished house, 2-car garage, 3-iever house, loo fruit end pecan trees.

$15,750. Will con sider teat option. ia ma, Rexroat, Reeltor 411 W. Colonial, MARTIN AREA Vft acres (4 corners), reduced to $8,000, terms. Dieter, Realtor, j-v4.

SHOPPINlj CtNltK 26 acres on West Colonial, clos In. Fronts on 3 streets. Jonathan Plunkett, Realtor, 29 E. Central Phone GA 4-6861. nlghta or weekends GA 5-4730.

SEMINOLE COUNTY Lak front acieeoe including 5 acres of cit rus; priced for quick sale; term. Call Mr. Br oman, Saylors Agency, Realtors; taa-tio. OUR BEST BUYS acres, Apopk. $2,950.

Trailer lot; Anooka $700. Zaiiwood. 5 acres $2,950. 1 acres, C-3 Apopk Lot, city water, Apopk a $900. Small down payment and manthly payment.

Call Gordon or Halms, Interstate Development 2405 Edgewater Dr GA 24521, 70 ACRES GOOD FARM LAND BLACK HAMMOCK SECTION Uncleared well drained good road. Suitable vegetables, citrus. In Artesian well district. $200 per acre cesh discount 5 Pet. Phone 365-3173 and 3238.

T. L. Lingo Realtor, Ovledo, Fia 17 ACRES, between 2 roads, $350 per acre, cash. 40 ACRES, on paved road, $47S per acre, terms. Chuluota Realty, ph.

365-3282. 3 ACRES off E. Hwy. 50 with 120 ff. on i econ River, ionea iran- (rs, and bring your horses.

250 ft. deep well, land completely cleared. Reasonably priced at $1,995. Call Can-loan A Boland, GA 2-4551 arripan 855-6245. eves.

SEE FAST GROWING East Orlando csiaiwi ror ireoyv, i iw mn, vary easy terms, lak. privileges c. nwv. au er pnnio. wis -oez.

United Form Agency 81 Free Illustrated catalog. Real estete bargains coast to coast I United Farm Agency, 1220-A Edgewater Drive, Orlando, 32804. Garden 3-7161. SALE OR TRADE 26i teres, cross fenced, 2 springs, fish pond, variety fruit nd nut trees. 5-room house, bath, screen porch, furnished.

VE 7-2063, P. Zucchero, Rt. 2, Murphy, N. C. 5 ACRE HIDE-A WAY near Horn- osessa River eng iy, near Gulf, a fishing and hunting eara- dls.

High and dry; unrestricted; electricity; ano up; S20 down end per month. Russell Hanco*ck, Realtor, 25 N. Main Brooks- vllle, Fla. 15 ACRES ripe for housing development and centered in the Golden Triangle at Christmas, th Gateway to all the activity at Rocket City. Locattd midway between Orlando and the coast with 273 frontag on E.

Hlwav 50. Compare our price of $25,000 with rising and Inflated land prices tn th Coco, ana tanavarai area. Invest now for future profits. Call Carrlgan A Boland GA 2-4551, eves. 855-6245; 1360 ACRES FARMLAND Northwest of Marianne In Jackson County, Florida.

Address Inquiries to Box 541, 5-Star. 40 ACRES- 1500 ft. sand beach. larae oaks, on Lake Apopxa. vu acres planted to mixed old grove, (cold damaged); 4" deep well; city water, lights; 5-room house and ham S90.000.

Owner P. O. Box 137, Montverde; 469-2401. 40 ACRES 1320 on state road, pin wooded $350 per acre, $1,300 down, excellent terms on balance. R.

Allan, Broker, CH 1-1554, GA 3-4078. 4' ACRES HIGH wooded on payed roan Nnrm nr ndodks, fniiei northwest of Orlando, $3,750. P.O. Box 1350, Oriendo, 1.080 ACRES beautiful rolling land; lots of Pine timber. Ideal for cattl ranch and many othr uses.

Let's talk orlra and terms. Georoe Ect- wards, Gordon-Beck Realtors, 47 N. orange, -4Mi, vs. va 54 LOTS for SALI AAA BARGAINS Extr. Iarg choice home-sites, tralier-or business lots, $10 down, $1 mo.

Tropi cal Park on ki. 44 i in n. ms-simmee. Electric and good water. CONWAY Lakesid Village; 5x 145, paved, city water, good price quick sal; Phon.

GA 5-9069 or GA 4-7948. CONWAY Lak front, lrxf on stret, $11,950, small down payment, bal ance easy, burner? hoods, staai- tor, GA S-1575. EDGEWATER DR. 50x130' lot, approximately 8 blocks from North- gate Shopping Center, value $10,000, make offer, call Mr. Caldwell, GA 4-8348, Ml 7-5450 eves.

LAKE APOPKA 235', paved street, city water, county taxes, restricted, block from Junior-Senior High Schools, Ph. CY 3-1144 after 4:00 p.m. LOCKHART, near 100x135' lot; for cooler, country living, reasonable, 293-8383. Lakefront Lots On chain of beautiful lakes near St. Cloud.

New Nov. road being built will bring Cocoa within 24 miles. 40x500 ft. only $1,990. Larger lots available.

EDEN On The LAKtb See Mai. Oulnn, Retired, on premises. Take US 441 about 4 miles east at St. Cloud, then north 3 miles on S-534-8. LAKEFRONT Casselberry, S.

Trlootett Drive, near Country Club; paving, sewers, 100x387, $4,800 terms. 647-7351. LAKE LIVING SITES Ui tcrt, 3 lakes, hug. oaks. IS mln.

Orlando, 2 min. Expressway. $1995, 520 down. 820 mo. loch, A 4-8485.

MAITLAND, opportunity! 2 lots 75x115' Owner will ntertaln an offer of $2500 for th pair Branstrem Realty, 241-2973 444-4134 MERRITT PARK Dr. at Sue Ay. Beautiful 107 ft. corner lot, $4,500. GA 5-5284, V.

H. Rexroat. Realtor. 4lt W. Colonial.

ic 27 Lakes jc Paved streets, e'tywter, shade. Casselberry Land T6 $4141. LAKE BRANTLEY ISLE choice building sifts, priced to Mil with terms; call Mr. Broman, Saylors Agency; Realtors 155-1710. TRAILER LOTS will sell my 3-trailer lots in Sarasota, located at beautiful Waterfront Subdivision, for $59 each, original coif, wwr, won, pavcu axwi eluded.

Call or writ Mrs. Von Neumann, 384-104 after 4 223 Sea Gull Lane, Sarasota. PLEASE LET ME-show you out lovely trailer sites on high and dry ground at Fast Orlando Gateway, clos to Rockt City. Plenty of trees on each lot, as low as $50 with monthly payments to suit your finenclng. Drop tat th Getaway eng ask tor nsr.

iraviee or can FOR ic Trailer Lots Cesselberry Land TE S-4141 water, sewer, sneoe, nw, terms SELL OR TRADE for late model car. urge beeutttui lor, iexe privileges, owner, CY 3-9476. FOR SALE OR TRADE proved lot 75xzosr an UTiimes, oood water, adults. Zoned trailers. For trailer lot Orlando rea.

Ray Castle, Rt. 2, Box 115, No. Fort Myers, t-ia, rn. -z7u. HIGH, DRY, LARGE Trailer lots, $750 up, $75 cash, $25 monthly.

Carrwen Boland, Inc. Call G'avhe. ONE ACRE MOffO HOME Estates, $20 down, $20 month. Christmas Park. Rout.

SO east. Phone 275-1727, Move in now. 100' LAKEFRONT LOT P.O Box 1229 Orlando- Fla. EXCEPTIONAL HOMESITE WATERFRONT HILLTOP Overlooking beautiful lake. Desirable parcel containing i'j build-Ino lots and edioinino 17x170 ft.

path to Lake and sandy beach, set In rolling hills. Lake County. Mt. f)ora, Eustls re. Few minutes rom church, schools, shopping end nignway, approximoieiy ju miles from downtown oriendo.

in developed erea, fine homes. Reduced to $4,900. Write owner Box 504, 3100 N. 28th fj, uuaeriaie Fla. Big Trailer Lot 120' 183' Ready ta move vour trailer In.

Septic tank, daeo well. 13W cement slab for cabana or patio, tlphone, II citrus trees lv miles from Orlando, NW lust oft 441. S50D sown. monm. rH Hubbard wm CooDer A jones, Keairori.

w. 6A 5-7537. 24 nour service. ESTATE OFFERS for first 11m beauty spot on south shor of Lak wiiomer in Longwooo; pavea utei to Orlando. If vou can afford th ultimate In lakefront home-Site, call T.

W. Mero, Broker, Sao 51 Country Property far Sal. APOPKA AREA, only 12 ml. N.W. Orlando, modest 3-bedroom, furnished, with lOO" frontag by 250' on important r.

436; pric A. E. MICHENER, Realtor, 40 Main, Apopka, 886-8923. COUNTRY ESTATES Minimum 1,500 sr. custom built noma, s'aoi wim exercise are for horses, over 4.000' of path, 14 exclusive sites.

Call Fred Hallauer, Realtor, GA 4-9571 to buy or trade. CLOSE IN 2-bedroom horn and workshop with I lot. Country living with location, convenience. ooo. mpp, Realtors, -sms.

FOREST CITY AREA 7 acres well wooded; 2-bedroom home; $17,500, $5,000 cash, $100 per montn. Homer Sew tn Ha HuckeL Rltor, T6 1-5497 or TE a-jvi. LAKE LIVING SITES-uj acre lakes, huoe oaks, 15 mln. Or lando, 1 min. Expressway.

$20 down, $20 BlOCh, OA 4-8485. 2-BEDROOM TRAILER, lot. Utility room, poar rignts, loeai tor weekends or retired. L. Faulk, yvieoo jo4m7fi UNION PARK 2-bedroom, frame.

on acre of land, ideal for horse. location. LK 7-JJii, 10 ACRES $16,600 i ROOMS BATHS STROUT 423-8248 .11,1 J-FRAME HOUSES on lake lot, 100X400, ciose-m, immediate occupancy, CR 7-5079. 10 ACRE COUNTRY ESTATE Shad trees. Won end dry.

E. of Orlando, 330 paved road frontage, Terms, loiaren, lk 7-4432, APARTMENT SITE 32,900 sa. ft. Street to Street. Just on l.k.

Lucerne, per sq. ft. Jonathan Plunkett. Realtor. 29 E.

Central Blvd. GA 4-6841. Nights or weexenas OA j-4w. CAUSEWAY AND GORE Fronting on 1 streets. Below th market pric.

at $2.64 sq. ft. Jona than, Kitor, c. cen tral Blvd. GA 4-7841, Nights or weekends s-4730.

COMMERCIAL BUILDING In-com $11,000 plus, total pric. uuu, can nanoieo tor sis.WH. uont miss mis. tverett Realty, ws j-wn, mi CLOSE IN Magnolia, $4.25 per sq. rr.

Bunoins and paved park- trig yree. lerms. sja C-3 FRONTAGE Edgewater Drive. Corner or street to street. Jonathan Plunkett, Real.

tor, a t. Blvd. GA 4-6861 Nights or weekends, OA 5-47J0. "downtown frontage" ON RAILROAD AND STREET Zoned Industrial. 45 cts.

q. ft. Jonathan Plunkett, Realtor, 29 E. Central Blvd. GA 4-6861.

Nights ana weekends wa s-sju. EDGEWATER DR. Office hulldlna. oood tenants, 100' frontaqe, over 7 pet. return on investment.

James D. Lange, Agency, Realtor, GA vsyi. GENERAL STORE and home due iw wcaiii vi vmnrr, anm ri, i mi. N. Of Gainesville.

Road Ink. ph. Alachua 442-192S or Orlando 422-3433. INTERCHANGES North Orange Ave. commercial property 100x340 between Colonial Dr.

and Ivanho Interchange. No better location In town. Jonathan Plunkett, Realtor, 29 E. Cntral Blvd. Phon GA 4-6861.

nights or weekends GA 5-4730. MADEIRA BEACH Queens Crown Aotei, 1537 cult Blvd. Six mod ern apartments, spacious office lounge, duplex cottage, double garage. Located on finest private oeacn in area, rated excellent oy Fie. Hotel A Restaurant Comm.

Widow will sacrifice for sal before school starts. Principals only. SOUTH ORANGE AVE Near Gore. 120 189.4. Zoned commercial.

Jonathan Plunkett, Realtor. 29 E. Central Blvd. GA 4-6861. Nights or weekends GA 5-4JQ.

WAREHOUSE 905 N. ORANGE AVE. Planning to expand or improve your present location? Then check this excellent opportunity. Approximate ly 97,000 sq. ft.

of retail warehousing area. Price $65,008. Excellent terms. Exclusive MLS Hall Bros. Realtors 27 E.

Robinson GA 34525. WINTER PARK WAREHOUSE -Downtown. Railroad and h'ohway frontage. Offices. Loading canopy.

Present tenanj month to month. $65,000, some terms. Jonathan Plunkett. Realtor, 29 E. Central Blvd.

GA 4-6861. Nights or weex-ands GA 5-4730. COMMERCIAL about 3 acres ust 300 ft. off c. Hwy.

so near Rocket City. Entrance off 3 roads. Suitable for business end warehouse. Priced right end only 10 per cent down. Good terms.

Call Carrlsen A Boland, Inc. GA 2-4551 Eves. 855-6245. 200- FRONTAGE on Hwy. 17-92 at semmoi.

snopoin. r-iai. tusi N. of SR 434. For det.ll.

Col. Pearson, Realtor, Ml ZONED C-l 13S ft en SR 50 E. by 200 ft. fiaeis. With attractive 3-fcedroom.

block house; surrounded by cheln link fence; horn and business, $13,500. 2 pet. down, belenc In 10 yrs. Florid uenerei Keeny Inc. 277-9371.

SALE ARTIFICIAL FLOWER SHOP-940 N. Mills, fully stocked, GA 2-3649 or CH 1-3185 after p.m. ATLANTIC HOFFMAN CO. Has 3 extr excellent foctlont available for Speed Queen coin laundry Drvcleaning stores. 0.

BOX "155; GA 4-5047, GA 4-5245 AMERICAN OIL COMPANY has modern service station available for lease. For information GA 4- 254. Automotive SHOP $60,000 YR. GROSS Really and truly represented. Approximately 20 pet net, Sailing for $8,500.

In th fastest growing section of Orlando. If your pro- resston is auiompnv ena you hv. some working money cell me, i ii a you in details man wnv it Is for, sale. If vou ar a oood mechanic this Is a natural or do me arjministrativ work and put on nether mechanic. (4 In shop now).

Let show you this Is th best deaf In Orlando. Howard F. Shaf fer, Raltorj 1200 Bumpy; riNS AUTO SERVICE Long established, excellent reputation. Price about 1-3 lest than value of equipment end stock. Ruin 5.

HARTMAN ASSOC S. Orange CH 1-2070 ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Established service station for teas, proven business volume, fl- nancing nd paid training avai labia. -ill l. t.

H. UCk, 424-2607. BAR AND PACKAGE Stor. -Gross sai $35,000 per Ideal for couple. Completely remodeled and aircondltloned.

Building and land, liquor inventory and all new equipment, trailer hook-up et the rsar. No restrictions on trailers. Phon (collect) Wildwood, Fla. 748-5091 10 a.m. fo 10 P.m., 7 days a week.

BUSINESSES BICYCLE AND lawn mower, sales and service, big business, established many makes good mon-y, pric $13,000. VARIETY STORE, shopping enter, money maker, $14,500. terms. Basset! Realty, Ml 4-6424, Ml 7-5489. BEAUTY SHOP Good location, good business.

155-0885 days, 855-2809 alter 6 P.m. COIN LAUNDRY 4 locations now vllabl. 2 In Orlando, 1 Beach, and 1 (n Titusvlll. CALL 425-6663 NIGHTS, SUNDAYS 275-1QM, CCHN LAUNDRY LOCATIONS In Northsate Shopping Center also other shopping centers. Good DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT National chain has excellent location tor drive-In restaurant, with curb service and air conditioned dining room, available 40 days, ws arrange financing of equipment, end leasinq of land and bulldinq.

For particulars phon 838-4921, or writ W. R. Cass, P. 0. Box 344, Fern Park, Fla.

Dry Cleaning Plant Miniature, completely automatic, all brand new quipmnt. First lime In U. S. complete package In existing location. Total cost $20,000.

$3,500 to $4,000 will handle. Tre mendous potential, Greatest opportunity In Brevard, Writ. Box S-Star, Melbourne. DAY NURSERY and Kindergarten located in 4 room house on a Iarg 100x138 ft. lot corner of N.

Hyer and E. Livingston. Plenty of shade trees, Ideal location close to all schools and midway downtown and Colonial Plaza. Present owner shows good profit over 3 year period. Will also lease back the nursery business.

For Informa tion Call GA 2-4551 Eves DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT on new 4-lane Hwy. U.S. 1 Cape Canaveral Are. Call AM 7-4370, Titusvlll, t-ia FLORISt SHOP Completely equipped, $1,500. GENERAL $1,500 cash, balance arranged.

Homer sewell with Hal Huckel, Realtor, TE 8-5457 or ic 1-411. GROCERY STORE Stock and full equipment, will lease or sell building. OA z-24l GROCERY STORE For quick sals, $8,000 net petit last year, good established trade, Call Pin Hills Keaity irj-mu. Handyman America's first drlv-fn hardware stores! franchises now available for the east coast from Melbourne to Daytona and on the west coast from orianao to Tampa, write to PQ Box 151, Goldenrod, or call Ml 4-0919 tor your appointment. LETTER SHOP and Printing bus! ness.

Well established, centrally located, completely equipped. Now dolnq good business. Increasing steadily. Excellent potential. Call 422-5520.

re 1 ortur- lurnpioiei- siuiheu, Hwy. 17-92 Maitland. Call Ml 7-414. "PHILLIP 66" Wt are constantly seeking tee eual. Ity dalers for our, service stations.

Gallonaoa rentals on fullv equipped stations with financing and tralnli.q on our payroll available. Call CH 1-4511 or write Floridan 'l P. O. Box 539. Orianao.

RESTAURANT FOR SALE, fully equipped with air conditioner. All new fixtures; main business section of Sanford. Sales price $8,900, 29 pet. down, balance in years. Phone, FA 2-7459, nights, FA 2-657S.

SERVICE STATION; on main highway to Cape; Also neighborhood trade; low Inventory; Call D. A. Tillis, 293-7364 SERVICE STATION for lease, 2014 Edqewater Dr. Excellent financial assistance program avall-abl fo conscientious individual who wants business or his own. Call C.

E. H. Beck, 424-2607. SKATING RINK (portable), new top, 42x102', complete, good condition. Geo.

Walton, Kissimmee, Fla. SERVICE STATION, near shopomg center. Winter Park call 444-2537. TAVERN For sale or renrwith living quarters, good locetion, call GA 2-1944 after 5 P.m. TRAILER PARK Also horn; acres; E.

50, 5 miles from Orlando. Room to ex- pand. 14 spaces; 277-0378. $10,000 YEARLY INCOME for present owner who will sacrifice tor $15,000. One of eleanesst, best stocked retail businesses In Central Florida.

Famous name brands featured. See this If you want a top retail business. Don Driggers Realty 383-4885 Mount Dora. INVESTOR WANTED, smal1 business, established. Phone 277 107s, 375-07M or 423-7959.

OUTSTANDING LOCATION for nurslne home or retirement trelter park; now operatlnq as motel; bus. shopping, I ml. shore Una, finest bass weter In area. Owner will subordinate to right party. GA 5-0491.

SEE THIS ONE If you are Interested a good eolng business. Excellent location 520 Causeway, main road to oe Canaveral. Ft. Mobile home sales and park. Lots are full with wait ma list; 3 apts.

and 4 beautiful mobile homes Included; 20 mobile spaces, paved roads, cltv water, cement Patios, well lighted park throughout. Excellent for mobile home sales. For sal by owners. Merrltt Island Trailer Sales. 471 Merrltt Island Causeway, Merrltt Island, Fla.

EXCEPTIONALLY profitable business for single person or couple. Call GA 5-5121 or Inquire 409 S. Oeange Ave, CAPITAL AVAILABLE Must stand thorough Investigation. Write JSox 85 S-Star. EXTRA INCOME ORLANDO FRANCHISE AVAILABLE Can work from home or office, proven business with good return.

No selling. Give details and phone number fo Box 549 S-Star. SACRIFICE SALE Groc-erv-meat market grossing Over $140,000 yr. $11,000 will handle. Snrow Realty, Cocoa Beach, Fla.

FIVE-UNlTTwOTEL acres. 247 On Hwy I-V4. 7- vrtenoa imw. wa 61 BANK LOANS AUTO-HOME Improvement PERSONAL LOANS FINANCE WITH FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT ORLANDO MORE PEOPLE DO! 3d floor til 4 p.m., to p.m. FrL vnina.

BUY LIKE RENT Warehouse, air-conditioned offlca Parkins. 14.000 xa ff; ltd it: 4,000 sq ft. CH McDuttie, CY J- aii 56-1 BUSINESS RENTALS ACME COMMERCIAL PARK Orlando's newest and finest ware- nous ana Industrial bulldinss. 3,000 so 180; other units 1,000 to 10,000 sq. ft Phon.

CY 3-8214 aauy, e-4w eves. BUMB AT SOUTH ST. Best office rental or lease deal in town; small or Iarg. offices) GA 5-2607 or -7-aa4. BUILDING 12x24, on lot 44x100, C-3 zoned.

Sao ma. AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE on Forms, near i-ironKs, $7j mo. C. watk ins, Realtor, 1ZZ7 b. colonial, 4249.

BUILDING Modem, 2,000, 3,000 or m. taroa sark no ar, near nw (hopping center. nwy. 1 owner, 4-V4. COY TOWN 15x20 office, afr conditioning heatlna furnished.

SAO 275-0150, GA 3-1622. COLONIAL E. Office suite, so. ft. Parking; air con- ir ci -4005 aitionea; iw-sjoo mo.

ml 7- COLLEGE PARK Zoned C-1, 2-room eir conditioned off ic. With warehous in same building, ampi parking. Total rent offices only, $45 CY 3-0645 CY 3-4020. COMMERCIAL BUILDING on U. S.

1. 40x60 with overhead doors, lot 140x500 rent mo. AM 7-0389. sctmsmoor. COLONIALTOWN 2-stores, 14xS, 21x85; ample parking; near bank; ph.

241-5604 or GA S-6880. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL sites, win build io suit your requirements. Long or short term lease. Williams Development CY 5-2530. Brokers Invited.

DOWNTOWN SERVICE STATION corner west centra ana Hugh- ey facing 900 parking spaces under expressway. Immediate possession. Moss Realty, 6. s-4474. DESK SPACE IN MISSILE Lend.

Secretarial services available downtown Coco. Bssch. ph. 763-9577 or 783-8072. M-1 ZONING Lot 150x250 with house and too shed.

C. Carl Bell, Realtor, GA 3-1691. N. ORANGE AVE. Lot 10O'x24ir across street from Fl.

National Bank for details call Jonathan Plunktt. Realtor, 29 6. Central GA 4-6841. Nights or week ends OA 3-4JU. OFFICE 340 to 2400 sq.

n.j a. p. pniiups Legion Pi. at Lak. Ivanho; GA 2-7101.

ORANGE S. Soac In new active shopping cnir; park ing; mi pn. aii-jyuj. ORANGE N. 477 Ground floor otflc.

or stor. room, off street parking, S50-S60 GA 2-6590. ONE NORTH ORANGE BUILDING "Th Prestige Office space from $55. Crythrs, Bras Hyni, neanors. qa 4-mi.

OFFICES, 2 to 5-room sults; air-conditioned, parking. 1223 North Orang. Av. C.II GA 4-4991 ar CY 4-eBU. ORLANDO PROFESSIONAL Center, a w.

i-axe Beauty ur oiocks 1. of Orange Memorial Hospital. Offices available In new building. n. A.

ROSS, OA 5-I1S9. PROFESSIONAL or business office ano noma, busy corner, lots of Parking, 5. Orng Blsm. Tr. at 44th C.

Carl Ball, Realtor, GA 3- lev 1 STORE, AIR CONDITIONED, 15'x 65' Evans High. Reasonable, CY 3-0202. SLIGH BLVO 1404; 10.800 ft on raiireuQf ouuv ruouirty neignr; a air corditioned ottices; $550 mo.i OA S-7JU. UNION PARK, 150 C-l frontB on Rout 50, will build to suit qualified tenant, owner, 47-iM4, WAREHOUSE Block, 2,000 sq. cool, dry; 2200 block of W.

Jackson. CY 3-9329. WAREHOUSE New, 21,000 sq. .11 or part; on 441 at Fair- villa; 20 celling, skylights, covered platform, orouno oock toaoinq; paved. loned C-3.

From SVs cent; ph. 422-8407; eves 423-7521. WAREHOUSE ar consider- ing building large warehouse and wiu rent my amount of footao starting at 4 cents; celling 20'; ph422 -8407; VS. 423-752. wareh6usefor1(Ent 2000 sq.

ft. $120 per mo. New ouiiainq, parking, good location, 595 N. Fair. villa Vi block off W.

SO, Or lando, 293-0033; WAREHOUSE, various sizes, long or short term lease, new Dunoings. Williams Industrial Center. CY S- 2530, Brokers inviTeo WAREHOUSE AND so. ft. warehouse spec.

Including 1,100 so. ft. In offices. New bindings, central heating and air condi tioning, targe paveo perxin. eng loading area, overhead doors.

loned C-3. $400 per mo. N. Fairvllla Rd. Vi block south of W.

Colonial 293-0033; NEW WALL TO WALL New Gorgeous Draperies Office In Magnolia building, corner of Amelia. Newly decorated, heat, ir, iivw ifi-ivuvu. lira kai I Roberts, Realtor, 422-4993. AIRCONDITIONED, Modern offices, 1200 sa. ft.

ott street perking, is. Oranq Av Winter Park. Call ownr 4-4644. NEW Industrial warehouses or manufacturing; adioining. 5400'.

25' ceiling; ACL siding; Ml 4-7545. 2 GROUND TLOOR Stores vall-abl at 472 N. Orange. A-l location. Parking In rear.

C.rrigan 4l. 57 REAL ESTATE Echng ORLANDO 5-bedroom, J-bath home 1 with St ft. swimming pool for home on ocean near Mel- bourneG AS-31 15. HI ALE AH 3-bedroom, $15,000 good location, want Orlando area property. Mr.

Milton, 344S E. 1 Hialeah. TU t-8272. JACKSONVILLE 3-bedroom home in exchange for acreage or lots her in Orlando. Phon Ml 7-2859.

HAVE LAKEFRONT horn. $14,400 want trailer or smell home. C. C. Waiklns, Realtor-Exchangor, 1227 Colonial, 423-6496.

TRADE excellent business and home In DeFunlak Springs, Fla. for Orlando property; 1703 Gattil Dr. union Park, yi-isn. GIVE ME CAR or lots. I'll giv you duoiex.

P.O. box imi, maoeir Beach, Fla. FIRST TIME OFFERED 3- bedroom, 1 1 house, 2 -carports, utility room, paved street, 3 vrs. old; will sell or trad for something smaller, 838-6725. FOR SALE or exchange equity, all or part, in panasottkee.

Nice new house, 2-bedroom, living, dining, kitchen area, bath with shower. Water Ilk spring water en SO'XIOO' of. 23- nous tra ter, ju-xsrxs- hiqh chain link fence on SO'XIOO lot. Would like small business or land. P.O.

Box 215, Leesburg. SELL OR TRADE, by owner, 3 bedrooms, Vi Dams, iarg corner lot. fenced hack yard; $10,200 or trade equity for lot, E. Hwy. SO; dL4-4tZilalaBainB-aw 7-1 Beach Camp Resort 'CAMPSITES enxioo.

1 deaf rnca- tTon in Deal National Forest $195 to $395. Cash or $10 down and $10 mo. Free brochure, write Magnolia Haven P. O. Box 97, Silver Springs, Fla.

HOLIDAY SHORES adloins Gam Reserve on with acooche ver. Wooded lots $395 up. On SR 474 between U. S. 301 and 41, Noble- ton.

Fla. NEW SMYRNA BEACH lots on North Atlantic Ave. 150 ft. from ocean. Close fo every thing.

$2,000 each. Jonathan Plunkett, Realtor, 29 E. Central phone GA 4-6841, nights end weekends GA S-4730. SANIBEL ISLANDS Gulf front, efoiuyj ft. lot with 3-bedroom furnished cottage, hotel or motel jonea.

mi a-ts, WAT ERF RONT CAMPSITES -Forest Lake Park adioining Ocala National Forest, SOxlOO, 39 10 down ig ma. mi 4 Km Armitron. 2230 Cold stream Dr. Winter Prk. NEW CEDAR CABIN Stone firplac, outdoor grill, Iarg high let, ictric.

rivr, lak. Game Reserve, mo. Croom-A-Coochee. 58 HEAL ESTATE W.ntej CLIENTS WAITING List now end sell new with Bemls Reeltor; 4:3 34'8 DUPLEXES and Income needed now. Frnk Wamswv.

eaitor, 422-5 4. LIST th Mulfipi way with Coooer Jones, weeiTors, tvs w. to-rtn'flt ,1.11 U.Kr Listing Service, 24 hr. service. Leek to BROWN ENGINEERING for a CAREER consider the excellent professional environment available et this leading aero space ergoniiation.

Look Into our outstanding engineering ec-complishmente In the field of research, (rerelopment, testing. Learn mere about our generous retirement, life Insurance tt plan. Extremely challenging rewarding opportunities ore Immediately available in the following area, for; HIGH SCHOOL at horn Diploma awarded. Write tor free booklet, American School, 1703 Beding- fieid limp r. Men-Women-Couples AGE NO BARRIER Fabulous Motel Hotel industry offers well paying pleasant work with lob security Desk Cleric, hostess Managers.

P8X-RcPtionIst. Free living quarters. attiiai tbainins In Tamp tellowina completion of home study. Free placement assistance. ruMit.

for oualification rhart and Brochure. Whitcomb Schools (founded S19 Florida 64 HELP WANTED Female aeaimriAN Sr. Soma following. Excellent opportunity for good OP- eiator. can cnaries a-i.

BABY SITTER White, middle-aoe. references, health card l-rhlld. Robinswood; 293-8307. CASHIER Rtil sales, experi ence, references reouireo, sppit In person 2 to 5 P.m. Albert's Druo Store.

Horrngai rieza. CLERK IN bookkseoing depart ment, for downio i arm. single, 19-28. Must work two evenings, permanent, paid vacation, hospitalua- tton, insurance, a-aier pm iw. CLERK-TYPIST Hlah school graduate, ability to tvoa sa wpm.

loan or nanc ex perience preferred; good salary and company benefits. Personal Interviews to 4 P.m. weekdays. Universal C.l.T. Credit 3003 Edgewater Dr.

cusa GIRL Over 21. experi- encea, mgnr work, appiv rm is Whistle, 1615 c. colonial wr. COUNTER GIRL Experienced preferred, call in person, Jiu Edgewater pr to 11. FOUNTAIN HELP Experienced fountain and grille; apply 2 to 4 p.m.

Albert's Drue Store, North- gate riaza, GE RAL OFFICE WORK Ac- counts oavaDi ano rvp no. Key adding machin experience, 25 to 35 preferred. Aop Mrs. Roberts, Eckerd'sDrug, 701 S. Orlando winter park.

GENERAL OFFICE, soma typing, no snormano, 3 says, Assureo Futures, Personnel Consultants, 27 5. Magnolia, ia 4-433. HOUSEKEEPER White, to live In, 2-chlldren, room, board, salary $100 mo. weekends off; 644-33V4. HOUSEKEEPER, Norrhgate area, 5 days, 7 to 5, references, own transportation.

Ml 4-7568 after A Jr. Accountant Employer Intervlewlna Wed. for wen auceieu jwwi need young lady. Payroll, qen, eral accounts, accounts payable Start at wk. CAREER GIRLS J26 N.

Magnolia CH 1-3631 KINOEGARTEN TEACHERS (21 with degrees; Ph. 293-8750; or ap-pjy550Edgewater, Frl or Mon. LEGAL SECRETARY Wanted by established Orlando law firm. Submit resume of experience and references to box iij a-oiar, PRIMARY. GRADE TEACHf-R- Azaiea ram papiisi eumui.

ph. CR 7-4056. "jr. Inc 1 1 PHONE SOLICITORS IS to 0. Will train.

Earn St Per hour. Call Mr. Cook. 10 a m. to It noon or 7 to P.m.

Horn Reader Service. REGISTERED NURSES and licensed practical nurses, positions available all shifts. Apply Director el Nurses, Seminole Memorial Hospital, Sanford. "lECRETARY-Permanent, must have very rapid shorthand! electric typing, cut stencils, mimeo frapfting; mature, energetic, fla. Association of Realtors, 127 N.

Eola for intervievy contact In parson, do not telephone In advene. Secretary EMPLOYER INTERVIEWINO In our office Tues for executive material. INTELLIGENCE, noise, education, experience, shorthand end typina reouired. National firm. 1-GIRL OFFICE.

5 days, start $400 SPECIALISTS JJNMasnolUi CH 1-M31. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Telephone answerlna service, permanent, day, 40 nr rotat. Ing days off; 7. days, 11 to p.m.; 2 days 1 to 10 P.m., 1 day 1 to PBX or Bell experience preferred. Write Information te Box 102 S-Star.

SALES OIRL-Jewelry and Iu99ae experience preferred. State previous experience, marltei status and age. P.O. Box 4S4; "STENOS, TYPISTS, CLERKS DIXIt AbtNlti 1 N. Orange Bide.

Room 401, TYPISTS, CLERKS. STENOS PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT 1 N. Rosalind Rm. JOt TEACHERS kindergarten and pru mary grades, private school, send resume to Box 104 S-Star. WAITRESS Age 21-35, If qualified $45 week, plus tips; call after iVa, 23-878.

WAITRESS WANTED Experienced. Apply China House alter 10 a.m. 541 N. Orange Ave. WAITRESSES Experienced, over 21.

Apply Perk wood Lane Res- WAITRESSES Experienced In tray service; experienced cashier and hostess. Apply 2-5 p.n, J. maica House of Beef, 3300 W. Colonial. Waitresses DINING ROOM COUNTER Experienced Preferred APPLY Howard Johnson's 2080 N.

ATLANTIC, COCOA BEACH WAITRESS wanted Apply Arcade Town House Restaurant, 120 North Orange Avenue. WAITRESS With Piiza experience, apply 5275 S. Orange Blsm. ir. WAITRESSES wanted, over 31, ao- Piy in parson, surnerrs Kcsiau-rant, 1000 S.

Orange Blsm. Tr. EARN $96 FOR 36 HOURS If you would like to advance rapidly in a growing international con cern, this may be your opportunity to a more enjoyable rewarding profession Ith Arthur Murray, the worlds' foremost teacher of ball room dancing. Applicants must be 21 to 35; well groomed end high school graduates. Apply In person only 2 to 10 p.ns.

Arthur Murray Studios, 107 E. Pine. NATIONAL COMPANY Has ca- reer sa es do; mon for oien wom an over 25. $100 and up wk. commissions.

Need car. No canvassing. Promotion open. Mrs. Haynes, GA 4-4061.

NEEDED WOMAN with car fo assist sales by leads In desired household goods of steady demand. Part or full time lob. $400 or more monthly. Training provided promo tion possible. Call R.

Juergensen. PH. 444-124. MELL Leonard nd Eve Kelly have for you preferred ion, i E. Pine St.

WANTED Ofifce Secretary who Is accustomed to oroanizat onai work. Duties consist of stenographic work. handiinn of mailings, mimeogreph work, and keeping ot a simple set of books, deposits, etc. Shorthand Is a must. Pleasant working conditions, five stay week.

Reply In your own handwriting with res ume. iv address ana pnon contact. Write Box 100, S-Star. LIVE IN To assist young mother with children and varied duties. 422-3372.

WANTED mature woman with nursing experience, nour p.m.. gjniijijoljrjjjjgljlt2JJ2J( 6S HELP WANTED Mela Engineers STRESS WEIGHTS THERMAL MECHANICAL DESIGNERS Experience en aircraft turbolet angin design and analysis. RELIABILITY TEST- ENGINEERS Engineers on electronic systems with ME, EE or Physic eree. Comms. Sub-Systems Integration Engineers Experience on closed circuit TV or multiplex systems.

TECH WRITERS Experience on electronic reliability test procedures. ENGINEERS AND DESIGNERS ELECTRICAL Experience on Industrial power Installation and distribution design, FLUID AND PNEUMATIC Experience on criteria, deslsn and layouts for cryogenics and hypergolic fuel transfer systems, high and low pressure gas systems and water systems. MECHANICAL ANO' STRUCTURAL Experience on criteria and lav-out of Installations for air conditioning systems for cooline electronic equipment. Includes dnign of hard surface pedestals, raised floors, partitions, lockers and storage areas. SCHEDULERS Experience with planning emt scheduling electrical and mo ehanical field Installations.

DRAFTSMEN ELECTRICAL Minimum of years drafttne on some of th 4ol-lewlne types at electrical work! Power and swltchoear. Interconnecting cabling and circuitry wiring and electro-mechanical equipment. MECHANICAL Minimum of years dreftlne experience on piping ane -itimhine systems and air eon-ditlonlne ductine Installation. STRUCTURAL DETAILERS Minimum of 5 yrs. detalllna ex-perlence on structural steel.

Including connection development, sheet metal and panel develop- mnt, LONG-TERM PROGRAMS LOCAL AND OUT-OF-TOWN CONFIDENTIAL LOCAL INTERVIEW Contoct John Ott CAPE COLONY INN -fenftc Avenu HIGHWAY A-l-A COCO BEACH, FLORIDA SATURDAY OR SUNDAY AUGUST JRD AND 4TH MONDAY, AUG STH am. to 1 p.m. nt can tie rr, fr r0vr convenience by canine-- 783-2252 (COCOA BEACH) tnhN artely to taje H. L. YOH CO.

123 S. Jir) stps MIlADELfMIA ipENNA, pgye-i-wy No Down Payment Small escrow fee, bedrooms, turns, choice of colors; suo-con-tract work accepted! I75-H1 mo. 423-4312 Of 2V3-S4M. randy iharfroom. lv-bth.

screen ed porch, fenced, S2O0 down. 173 mo. Aitanrwr'e Keeny, ic -a. eves. Tr S-497S.

BANK REPOSSESSIONSI 2 swim ming pools, 1 laketronrs, ana 4 bedrooms, elso several other homes, 14,000 to sjir.ow; o. Miller Broker, CA 5-2230; NS-I525. Air Conditioned $100 DOWN 174 mo. total, no 2d mortgage, JENKINS REALTY, Ml 4-011. SWIMMING POOL $13,500 DOWN PINE HILLS rtrt.

a-hMfraom. Florida room, large corner lot, nicely land scaped, fenced yard. Cell Peaco*ck Realty Realtors, lt t-iu. SELL OR TRADE Large home, lots, 1 bedrooms, 2 baths with den end Florida room and double caroorte. Almost new, Id southeast section, near city limits.

Price exclusive. John Foy. Hall Bros. Realtors 27 Robinson GA 1-1525 A REAL BARGAIN 1 bedrooms. 1 baths.

Fla. room. built-in oven, range and vacuum cleaning system; 125'xlW corner lot on 2 paved streets) double carport, separate utility room ana workshop; central water plus well for beautifully landscaped yard, with small pond and stream at rear) II pet. under FHA eppralsal with better terms. JOHN COOK AGENCY REALTOR PM.

151-1331 OAK FLOORS 2 large bedrooms, iarg living room, dining room, kitchen, range, refrigerator, Fla. room. A-l shep. 15 fruit frees; well and sprinklers. Walk to shop.

Only 110,500, small down. Fullmer Realty GA 4-014. OPEN HOUSE 622 Morocco Dover Shores are; bedroom. 2 bath, family room; wall-to-wall carpet; air conditioned; excellent condition, trees, shrubs. JUST $800 CASH let per me.

including taxes and Insurance; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths; central heat; family room, 5V4 pet. mortgage. NEILL M. MICHAEL Realtor; Ml Orange Winter Park; Ml 4-1644. 15x36 POOL 3-bedroom, 2-bath, Fla.

room, 1120 includes taxes and Insurance, priced at $19,600 to sell, $1,500 down, garbage, dishwasher, carpeting, 5757 Ben Hogan, corner of Hastings, Roblnswood. $150 DOWN NO QUALIFYING Azalea Park; kitchen equipped, 3-bedroom, clean. This Is steal. Sanford Roberts Associates, CH 1- 4644; nights A 2-1581. BIG 2-STORY HOUSE in the 5O0 block of S.

Osceola St. Lot 70190 clustered with huge oaks; ideal for ant. or home. Will trade for any-thing that Is not mortgaged. Inspect and make offer.

Walter Sims, Realtor, 425-7511. 2- FR AME HOUSES on Jake lot, 100x400, close-in. Immediate occupancy CR 7-507. OPEN HOUSE, I4W $. Wilton; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths masonry home with separate dining room; welk-Ing distance to elementary school.

Owner, GA 5-4831. Free Equity 3-bedroom, 1-1H-2 baths, paint for down payment. 472-4362. 293-8460. 51-1 RESIDENTIAL Income COCOA BEACH 2 duplexes, 2 bedrooms each side, kitchens fur-nished, carport, utility rooms, laundry facility.

$14,500 each. Good terms. Snepp Const. GA 3-4469; eves, ea 3-true. COLONIALTOWN 1-bedroom duplex, tiled bath, refrigerator.

Good rental record. 165 each side, minimum. Corner lot. Only $13,500. National Mort- oa3 Co.

Realtors, i-jjjo. COLLEGE PARK, good Investment, 9.tATV hinrv mrnisnea auoiex. perfect location) only $8,500. Boyd Thompson, Realtor, tt-JU40. CLOSE IN Duplex, 2 bed rooms, each, large living room.

choice rental location, Owner GA S-75I5 COLLEGE PARK duplex, live rent rai 4 vrt. aid. modern kitchen. awning windows, Jenningt- Willey, Inc. tA j-owr.

DOWNTOWN duplex, furnished, $220 Income per mo. pood fin- anclno. mL5 3652, rran yvemjier, Realtor. 422-5194. DOWNTOWN Horn, and Income with great po tential for Increase in value, ionep commercial, 3 apartments end cot-tag on lot 102x531 Priced to i seM.

jonemen riuimeii, Central Phone GA 4-4861, nights and weekends 674 yi. UIT N. Summarlin, $5,000 equity, will exchange for small grove or something of equit-able valu, call Mr. Caldwell, GA 4-8348, Ml 7-5450 eves. COMPLETELY FURNISHED; 2-bedroom nous and duplex, 1-bedroom each side; large lot, fruit trees, fenced yard, oood condition, near Fla.

Care, Illness forces sal. Ph. GA 4-4450. FURNISHED APTS. (4) A rented, showing good return, small down payment.

Jay FLORIDA SANITARIUM AREA NCOMc J4.BUU. YtAK: Consists of apartment units plus 1 residences pius exira in rw more rentals. ONLY S24.750! Don't overlook this opportunity. Mcnu*tt-Heasley Realtors 38 years GA 2 5105 GRAND AVE. Duplex, 1 and 2 bedrooms, partly turnisned.

Nice for retirement home with Income. win accept late mooei trailer as part of my eaultv, take up loan. Beautiful yard. Close church, school, bus, 472-4976. HOME INCOME block from ocean, duplex furnished, masonry building, good neighborhood, extra lot 50 ft.

adjoining. Price $16,500. Getrud Karrer, Realtor, 113 Sams GA 1-2141, New Smvrn. Beach, Fla. AZALEA PARK $11,000 I APARTMENTS Income $350 per month, pric $46,000, 25 pet cash.

Homer Sewell with Hal Huckel, Realtor, Ifc 1-5497 or 76 8-3971. BY OWNER- l-Wroom, duplex, kitchens equipped, excellent location, near hospital. Ideal tor professional offices; GA4-7J53. NICE HOME and duplex rentals. Monthly, Income meets all payments.

Call Pin Hill Realty, 295- 1810. HOME ANO INCOME Good rental record; 3-bedroom each side; kitchens equipped, double carport, storase. near bus. schools; rwner, CH 51-2 LAKE COUNTY Pwperty APT. HOUSE Eesllv converted to 1-fmily house, Nice location.

Price sis.350. Lockmiller-Fostr Inc. 300 E. Hwy, 50. Cler-ment 34-31 28.

FOR LAKEFRONT and lakevlew homes and homesltes. ecresqe. motels In Lake County, contact Huskey Built Homes, Real Estate 901 S. Bay, Eystis 357-316 or HWY. 4il bo'i 51-6 SEMINOLE CO.

Prep' GOLDENROD AREA 21 crs, 470' paved frontage; cash. Homer Sewell with Hal HuckelRltor, it 1-5497 or AK L' VI NOSi TES cr'" 3 laks. hug oaks. 15 mln. Orlando.

2 mln. Exertssway. $1,995, 51 CROVK for SALI SEEINS IS BELIEVING, 140 acres. 2 and 1 year (rove in top shao. Locetion makes me alone worth the pric.

Call Emst South-werd. Realtor, FA 9-4404. 13 ACRES I crs In mature frov. older l-s'ory home overlooking beautiful Lake Mills, all for with 2 pet. down, te 10 years on balance.

Call Tom Hamer for aeoointm.M JACK DEMETREE, REALTOR 1 CR 7-1971 Sun. Ml 4 16S8 100 ACRE Hamlin en sour rnni that withstood th freete. Prtcm to sell. Owner P. O.

Bex 137. Montverde, 4 2401, 150 ACRE GROVE, priced et eniy B.I75.0W. JOHN J. S'- BRENNAN, eiror. 134 5 r-i 53 for Sole ACREAGE 74; acres near Rocket City.

$6 7S0. Very easy terms. Excellent mvesfment. cerrigen A lend. Inc.

GA 1-4551. Friday. August 2. 1963 (Cont'd trem prece-ino; 51 HOUSES far SALE WINTER PARK 3-bedroom, centr! het, OUtIMn siove, leirnwana tow down payment) essume Gi mortaaoe Ray McClure, Broker Ml 7-4423. winter PARK, brick, J-beth, bedroom, 2-cer eerapj, Whitehall or.

oniy -ii. Windermere ir 4-bedroom, IVfrttory house with custom design end feature, locat-td an large lot, lakeview nd privileges. On review by builder, corner Jrd end Magnolia. Ph. Windermere WINTER PARK Maltlend, 3 and 4-bedroom houses, ell ccjtYenlWKs clou by; to tee call Ml 4-tWe.

WINTER PARK Something For Nothing Down, Is what most horn our-chaierj, are Interested, in, specially when located In a prime grove area of Winter Park with many citrus trees, end convenient to schools, I hopo ins. medical end churches. Here is a brand new 3-bedroom, i full baths, centra heat, and alr-condltloned home, with all the features vou have been hoping t), iriirhm li a dream and orovldei a large breakfast area ind a shuttered pass-through Into the panelled Fla. room. The abundant amount of cabinet coun-ter ec provid Snd stores area.

GE appliances. Cm.fns are the eye sparat cook-topi front loading dish washer and disposal. The 22 foot Indoor utility area tor oraee. washer and drver it most convenient and direct edlKent to r- mram i vlna room and very eenerous sii dining room, lure will meet the, recrements of th most buyer. Double carport th beautiful ornamental block wall for the Plus, met th best vau In Wtnttr rrn.

Price ill.MO, $105 per mo, no closl'd costs, VA, no down pay- Dick Bond, Realtors Ml 44110 EVES. Ml 7-5015 WINTER PARK 3-BEDROOM, 2-BATH Electric kitchen, large living room, parquet floors, tile roof. Pay $2,700 down, assume pet. mortgage payable S87 including taxes and Insurance. Only 115.800.

C. E. O'Dell, Realtor, GA 3-5)69. WINTER PARK-3-bedroom, IVV bath, enclosed patio-sarden, air condltlned, near schools, shopping, II l75. wmDERMERE-Open house.

Deeded lake privileges, dock, beach 1-bedroom. 2-oeth, stitch en with brick wall feature, dish-washer, dlnino room with built-in buffet, lamily room. Air conditioner. Many built-in extras Drapes. Owner.

Slh house on right Of Lake WINTER PARK AR A 3-bedroom, 2-bath, "built-in. Nice corner; 2-carporte. Stf-JOO. Betty Trent, 7 WINTER PARK (RlPPles)j view Lake Sue, hillside horn, designed for Fla. Indoor-outdoor living; huoe living room with beamed cathedral ceiling and fireplace.

Ilkll dining area, 16x3? rned porch, 3 bedrooms, VH baths, foyer entrance, hobby room, air conditioned and carpeted. Mid State Realty Service, GA 35S. WINTER PARK AREA Last of builder's models, in prestige location. 3-bedroom, I-bath, foyer, dining room, living room family room, complete kitchen, air-conditioned, around corner from school end swim club. County tuxes only.

Low down. 1127 per mo. total, mortgage, 117,100. trad. Nas-rallah ennjngs, Juilders, JlJJi480.

"Winter Park Estates 3 bedrooms, 1V baths, leroe Fla. room; FHA mortgage 112,450. Must sell. $87.50 Mo. Pays All CALL Ml 7-74 WINTER PARK Lakefront New luxury Gold Medallion Horn; $37,000, S8.6W cesn; vjfir ORLANDO Priced for quick tale, J-bedrrn, 2-bath, extr Iarg Fl.

room, wall-to-wall carpeting, cork and terrai-10 floors, central heet and air, flreolace, dishwasher, drapes, J-car gerao. other extras; owner, CY 6302. wTnter park suburban Lakefronts $21,500 AND $30,000 Select your price range! I Her art 2 xcllent buvs. Also lakevlew en Lake Sue for $30,000 and a home with swimming pool for $22,500. See cell Col.

Pearson, Realtor, MI4J.28S.: $56 Per Mo. Is you Py own this beautiful, brand-new 3-bedroom home; central hatlng. refrigerator, built-in rang, custom cblnets, laundry and utility room; carport; Lot 70x100. Paved street, wter, sewer system. Close to schools, churches, shopplnq.

FHA PProvedf clos-Ing costs. Priced to sll at $9,300 immedist occupncy. Metj Ral-VU rilon a rJC 7-1204. 1 $45 Per Month 1 $250 down. GA 2-004 or 241-511! JONES DOUGLASS BROKER $100 MOVES YOU IN.

1962 modris reduced; 3-bedroom, 3-bath homes; vacant; dlrctly cross from Mar- tin. Builder Ph. 855-7340, Gracious Living Highland Park estates Maitland; City police, fir protection, storm sewer, sanitary sewers, Elementary tid Jr. High, 3 blocks, school buses to winter Perk Hloh. $34.

East at Maitland traffic light) North on Seneca and Moiav to 4-way stop, Right to sales office. CjjstoniCon5tructorslnc. 444-3823. ic $100" DOWN And vou can own vour home. Let us show you how.

Call now CR 7-2014; nights Sun. CR 7-5494, JACK DEMETREE, REALTOR Payments Less Than Rent $100 down, Southeast. 3-bedroom, 3-bath home; close to schools and shopping; call Mr. Broman, Say-lors Agency, Realtors; 855-1710. "5-BEDROOM ON CANAL New.

2504 Caribbean Court, L. L. Fletcher. Realtor; GAJ-7468. NOTHING DOWN 3-bedroem home near Colonial Don Brewer, Realtor, CY 3-7438 OPEN HOUSE Pool and Patio HOMES Immediate Occupancy Thes lovely 4-bedroom homes uniau to design end truly designed tor Florid living.

Designed fo let you live, eat end relex around kour pool. Every modern feature Included, FHA and VA financing, Visit VIII Sharon today on Lake Barfon 2 blocks south of Lak Underbill Dr. Conlect Car-rlgan Realty, Realtors, 424-8391 or 375-I221 anytime. BELOW COST Attractive 3-bedroom, 2-batti home. lovely landscaping with fruit end oak large rooms, oek floors, kitchen equipped, lake nd picnic area privilege.

Priced below most homes In this are. Good terms. Reasonable offer will be considered. DAVID C. WEEKS ASSOC.

RltollNnollGAl-M5 NO DOWN PAYMENT ONLY 4 MORE LEFT i'nd new 1-bedroom, J-beth houses, In Ana At Winter Park's finest sections, near OAFB, shoo ing, schools na churches, ah ouses eouipped with central heat. dishwashers, d-soese's. evens end coo tops. Te be sold en first come, fi'st basis. Ph.

for appointment 647-7871, Gidus A Harms. Builders Inc. NICE FURNISHED horn. 477 18th tek mobil horn for down pavment owner, GA 2 FREE $2,900 equity, III m. pavs all; kitchen enuinned; 3 bedrooms, Fl.

room, terrerro floors; reedy. ro ecyoy; siw oown. neimiy Realty. Mt70J35. 3 bTdrOOM, tS-bath homes.

$9,754 to'ei once $700 dewn, $47 mo. Acme 4-1C34. A BEST BUY Sbed'ooms, tMvi. refr aerator, $'00 oewn, SO mo. CY 3-JW2 or 345-SMS.

Blanch N. Liovd, Broker. C-1 CE 0C 3 3 bedroom, 1V beth, eir, beach access! split level Jhedroom, 2-beth, corner lot; 2-slerv; 201 ell fenced, close in, bus. Treoe yoursi B-dr. GA $74(9 SR TECHNICAL WRITERS BS degree or equivalent technical training required.

6 years experience in technical writing I or editing complete familiarity with publication, specifications required. TECHNICAL WRITERS a BS degree or equivalent training required. 4 years technical writing experience and familiarity with publications specifications. SR TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATORS BA degree or equivalent training required. 8 years experience In airbrush, artists concepts, perspectives, leyeut design, TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATORS BA degree) or equivalent training required.

4 yeart experience in layout, perspectives, precision ink drawings, charts, graphs, etc. AIRBORNE PCM TELEMETRY SYSTEMS ENGINEERS BSEE or equivalent with experience in airborne PCM It strong background in digital techniques; knowledge of analog to digitive converters. SS FM TELEMETRY SYSTEMS ENGINEERS BSEE or equivalent; experience in testing troubleshooting, of tingle sideband for telemetry equipment. Thorough knowledge of SS for theory it required. TELEMETRY GROUND STATION DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT ENGINEER BSEE or equivalent with experience In either digitive logic design, or pulse circuit testing.

CftlirwO INTERVIEWS August 3 4 Sat. Sun. Contact John Stroop or Henry Wilson At: CH 1-4GC0 C-3. eQf-lTJlEDGOAIL HIGHWAY 50 CLOSE IN To arrange a confidential interview with members of our professional engineering staff. If unable to contact ue at this time we suggest you Imw mJ Mm alna confidence tot MR.

WILLIAM P. BREEN Director Of Professional Placement Deportment 44 300 Feoff Frcirtcco CONTACT US NOW FOR FURTHER INFORMATION J. II Ifc Davis Assoc. MW. Cars CA S-M21 Orlando, Florida BROW Engineering, REAL ESTATE EXAMINATIONS WILL BE HELD AUGUST 5TH Tk wr esrreiSMf eevttw COURM ju-Sv.

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The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)


Is Orlando Sentinel a conservative or liberal? ›

Editorially, the Sentinel tilted conservative.

Does the Orlando Sentinel still exist? ›

The Orlando Sentinel, founded in 1876, is the primary daily newspaper in Orlando, Florida. Our mission is to deliver the truth every day. We bring you the stories that matter most, written without bias, so you can make informed decisions.

How much does Orlando Sentinel cost? ›

After the $1 for 6 months introductory rate, you will be automatically charged $19.96 every 4 weeks.

Does Orlando Sentinel deliver? ›

Subscribe to the Orlando Sentinel to get Thursday and Sunday home delivery and Unlimited Digital Access which includes the daily digital edition of our newspaper.

Is Florida a Democrat or a liberal state? ›

The state is dominated by Republicans on the state level, as Democrats have not held the governorship or either house of the legislature since 1999.

Who is the owner of the Orlando Sentinel? ›

How many people read the Orlando Sentinel? ›

For over a century the Orlando Sentinel has been the leading credible news, information and advertising source for our communities. We remain the area's #1 news source and media website, connecting our advertisers with nearly 878,000 Central Floridians weekly.

What is the major news paper in Orlando Florida? ›

Orlando Sentinel – Orlando Sentinel: Your source for Orlando breaking news, sports, business, entertainment, weather and traffic.

What is the rating of the Orlando Sentinel? ›

Orlando Sentinel Overview

Orlando Sentinel has 1.7 star rating based on 77 customer reviews.

How do I contact the Orlando Sentinel? ›

The general telephone number is 407-420-5000.

How much does Orlando Disneyland cost? ›

Disney World ticket prices
Disney World price per person
1-day, 1-park ticket advertised price range$109 to $189.
Average 1-day, 1-park ticket price$160.
Lightning Lane Multi PassStarting at $15.
Jul 24, 2024

How much does it cost to go to the Vanguard Orlando? ›

Cheap The Vanguard - Orlando Tickets

The cheapest day to go to an event at The Vanguard - Orlando is Wednesday, where the average historical price for The Vanguard - Orlando events is $54.70.

Where is the Orlando Sentinel located today? ›

Orlando Sentinel, 633 N Orange Ave, Orlando, FL - MapQuest.

What happened to the Orlando Sentinel building? ›

The Orlando Sentinel announced Wednesday it will leave its downtown building, the newspaper's home since 1951. “After careful deliberation, we have decided to permanently vacate our Orange Avenue office,” Publisher and General Manager Nancy Meyer said in an email to Sentinel employees.

How do I send a letter to the editor of the Orlando Sentinel? ›

Letters must be exclusive to the Orlando Sentinel and include your full name, address and phone number. We publish only your name and home city. Letters should be no more than 250 words. Email column submissions to

About the Orlando SentinelOrlando Sentinel ›

The Orange County Reporter, which would become the Orlando Sentinel, was established in 1876. Here is its office in downtown Orlando in 1884. The Orlando Sentin...
Your trust is our top concern, so businesses can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Learn more about reviews.
El Sentinel, also known as El Sentinel de Orlando, is a weekly Spanish-language newspaper published in Orlando, Florida by Tribune Publishing. It is a sister pa...

Does Orlando have a Democrat mayor? ›

The Orlando mayor is officially a nonpartisan election. The current mayor is Buddy Dyer, who was first elected in a special election in February 2003.

What political party is Fox associated with? ›

Fox News has been characterized by many as a propaganda organization. Its coverage has included biased and false reporting in favor of the Republican Party, its politicians, and conservative causes, while portraying the Democratic Party in a negative light.

What side of the political spectrum is the Conservative Party? ›

Political scientists and other analysts usually regard the right as including conservatives (among whom there are many strains, including traditionalist conservatism, libertarian conservatism, neoconservatism, and ultraconservatism); right-libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, monarchists, fascists, and reactionaries.


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.