Daily News from London, Greater London, England (2024)


IFsoa Ltorn's, Masce 31.) ADEN, March 30. Roma, from Brisbane, left tota' tt' METEOflOLOGIGAL BKPOET. bjut ewRox. aSAiaKGSTHISVOSNINSBY Mr. 0 NigbtingsJI's Alert, 4 yre.

Sat 41b (60) A. Nightingall 2 Mr. W. Marshall's Romany, 4 yrs. Sst ib Barrett 3 Mr.

Craig's co*ckenzie, 3 yrs, 8at 61b Mr. Yates's Miss Thompson, 3 yrs, Sat 31b (50) 0 1 Mr. Stevens, Tiara, 3 yrs, Sst 31bJI250) Loates Betting: Evens on Ariel, 4 to .1 agst Biraaay.Btol agst? co*ckenzie, 100 to 1 agst and 100 to? 'PhnTiinsrm ltnmflnr nut nut the vnrk from Aisrt 30- II 30 1 1 30 36 I "111 29r S.35. Tbk Mbitos Plate (Handicap) 400 bovsj thesesond to receive 25 sovs out of the stakes. About rlTC fnrlonga.

Ysstlb Lord Charles Prudence sCampbell aModwena" eDonbloon Jeoobito. olnventdon Purple Emperor oLaceman 5 9 10 Goldsmith. ttAdelina aDebsntore ussy ....4 8 12 6 8 11 ....4 810 4 8 6 8 4 5 8 4 8 2 a 7'13 8 7 11 sHascuiattan 4.5,-TaE Molasd Sslliwi Plate 200 gaiaeas. Ftvo furlongs, straight. Ys stlb I Ys oSt.

Vincent a 8 12 oHsxlewrtod 3 sJesaie a 9 12 oBabble oolt 3 eGood Night 8 8 12 oMinolaoflt 2 cSerenade 3 8 13 laBeverage 4.30. A Maidem Plate of 100 guineas, About Ave fur! Ys st lb Ys Forest. 4 10 0 aChamberlsia 3 Copper 3 9 2 aEitty gelding 3 NOTTETOrlAM SPBLN0 and upwards. One mile and a few yards, 23 subs. XS St 10 4 8 12 Exmoor 6 Clydesdale 4 Protectionist 4 by Doncaster Shannon 3 Timias 4 Highland King ...,.4 Charioteer 4 Framework.

3 Don 8 Ripon 4 Tib(bb) 4 Et. George 4 Lowdowc 4 Somerton 6 Distinian 4 Kenmore 8 Agra 4 Gforiation 3 4 8 11 8 4 8 1 8 1 712 711 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 Alarum. CnfiTlnrw 3, 6 13 Nappa 3 0 KEMPTON PAEK EASTEE MEETENQ. Weights oe the Kemptom Pass Eastbe Handicap of 500 by snbsciiption of 6 gs each for non-starters, or 1C gs each for starters, for 3-yr-olds and upwards the owner of the second horse to receive 50 sovs. out of the stakes, and the third to save his stake, ilve turiungs.

means. Ya st lb Ys st lb Mallow Doubloon Prudence Melbfont Offspring Vatican 6 8 12 Shimmer 7 8 11 Mezzotint 3 Bow Church 4 Murdoch. 4 Belisiritw U. 3 Claymore 3 Cobbler 3 bySkylark-Cestus 3 FirstFiddler Minstrel Boy 4 Pas 3 The Dream 4 8 10 7 12 7 11 7 812 6 11 6 6 Dog Rose Kitiini 3 3 Roseau 4 NEWCASTLE AND GOSFORTH PAEK SPBINS MEETING. Weiohts soe the Newcastle Speiso Handicap of 4 sovs each (2 ft.

to the fond), with 160 added, for 3-yr-olds and upwards the second to save his stake. About one mile and a quarter, sues. Ys st )b Ysstlb 3 em 6 10 .3 6 9 Ha-wkeye 4 8 12 Ben a 8 10 Bridgman vitarsa 3 3 Norma 3 by Wenlook, dara by ToxopMlite, gkndam by Game-boy Phyaalis First Attempt 3 Lady Lothian 5 8 4 2 Givendale Palmistry Oxford Willie Wishing Exquisite 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 6 611 5 10 5 1 EPSOM SPRING MEETING. AoaEPTAScas sob.tbe Gbeat SrmaEvHAxniiiAPof 600 sots, by subscription of 16 sovs each, 6 ft and 3gs only if declared; for 3-yr-olds and upwards the owner of the second horse to receive 60 sovs out of the stakes lowest weight not less than But llh. Firi.

fnrinnua. 47 21 of whom MV Sss each. Fairly good sport was provided at Croydon afternoon, where the attendance was only mode-sate, a dull and threatening morning keeping many away, and. the meeting too v. from vriJhroxjgnjPari.

'The indieatioas of the forenoon wenfMtunately confirmed, as before the programme had been got through, rain fell heavily. The Norwood Haodjcaj) brought out a field of nine, and resulted in a doajjjeat between Midas and Eight Bells, the two the most fancied of the competitors. In the docii-isjpseat the slightest shade of odds were laid on Mr. C. sfSjbert's representative, who won a fine race by a neck.

Seekers had rather the best of the exchanges. Com-swncing woll with Zelotes, ho won the Welter Kace, they were a little abroad in the Selling Hunters' Hat Esce, for which Maid of theMiil had adds laid on her, but still Manfred, the winner, carried a lot money. Mohawt, aiier a good race with Libation, again brought the talent safely through in the Woodside Plate, as did Ariel in the Shirley Plata, while Modiste, who carried off the Welter Handicap, was only second in demand to Pedestrian. For the Spring Tw o-year-Old Kace there was the best field oi the afternoon, 1 5 put ftng a appearance, andhere backers sustained asev ere reverse, the prize falling to Mr. Day's Abeyance, who started at th long rate of 20tol, the filly by Pelle-grino Elegance, who carried a lot of being Becond.

To-morrow I snail assign the Wickhain Plate to.MEKBLATO or Aitioea, the Selling Mile Bace to The Cabmsal, the Juvenile Plate to Lowiandeb hut, the Selling Handicap Hurdle Bace to Fbedemca, the Auction Twoyear-01d Bace to Missy Baba, the Great- Welcomes Handicap to Baedwe or Gbeejt-wioh, and the Corinthian Welter Handicap to Midas OX ilBAHOIf. Tie sport at Leicester will not be of very high class, and it is very difficult to-night to estimate the probable ruuuers for the various events. It is therefore with little confidence that I submit the subjoined selections, sad mast in each case stipulate for a run. The Friday Selling Plate may go to Noethesn Dose or Contjn-carai, the Midland Selling Plate to Haelewood or Si. YdoisHi, the Maiden Wats to Chajibeelix, the Melton Piute to Dootioon or Lao.bhan, and the Billesden Handicap to Nautilus or Ctoibaiabia, Feall, the famous billiard plajer, to-night added another to his long hat of fine performances, Agaiust lohn Roberts, ou a championship table, he made a muak of 445.

inclusive of no fewer than 128 successive ypot hazards, thus easily beating Roberts's 283 on Tuesday. The distance of the spot from the top cession of the table may be slightly different from what it was when the old championship matches were played, but there can be no doubt that the pockets only measure three inches at the tail of the slate. Tears ago such a break on a championship table would have been ridiculed as impossible, but it must be boms in mind that Peall has brought the spot stroke to greater perfection than any player ever did before him. At their meeting fhic evening, the English Bagby Football Union tmanimoosly agreed to invite two re-prosentatives each from Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, to attend to confer with the English committee on any occasion when ifcis jroposed to alter the rules of the gams. From the view of proportional representation, Shljgtishhedy have no doubt a right to a large pre-jwuafsance of voting power, for while 208 clubs are affiliated to the JKnBah less than forty own allegiance to the Scottish authorities, and very few indeed to $tw Siiah And Welsh unions.

The agreement tome to this evening, too, marks a considarahle advance Srom the antocmiio position previously taken up by tie English TJnjon. Tnforiunately, however, the other Ihree bodies have recently agreed to the constitution of bn International board, iuwbich all countries shall have isqual voting power; and" I very much doubt whether "invitation of the English ijnion will meet with hat response from the other parts of the United King jSoidaftpgjsjpwaeat ftiBsyewng esesad to anticipated rroidayKht. KETEOE. JigSTDQN SETITNG. TSUESDAT.

i as the Leicestershire Handicap assumed a some-whatmiretenBive appearance to-day, as the subjomea list ul shcWbstthe bets were cot of ecasequeace. Srcm the teansfsn which the City and Suburban was discussed the Saw promises after all to be a good betting medium. Early in She afternoon 600 to 100 was laid against the favourites ImpJed bat in every short time 10 to 1 was taken about each, aodxEuUy 8 to 1 became the beat tender about day Hermit War the Stakes 10 to 1 each was booked to Bad.Obeam. notatioss: SCITY AND STJBTJRRAN. eto 10 to St to 3 agst Gay Hermit (t) i SO to l.agsi Carlton ft) ZZ.

at. Mirin It, SO to 1 Radius (t) 8 Isobar it ft o) I 26 to 1 Oberon tt) ,3 Bird oriree-l S5 to 1 Castor(t) flomt o) 33 to 1 Is Casaer tt) 6 (t) 1EICESTESSHIRE HANDICAP. 8 toi asst -Obtron (t) 1 100 to 8 agst WhiteSodt Sl sSUvfre ft) 1 00 to 7 Clydesdale ft! J5 to 1 (J) ISO to 8 Lowdown (t) WO THOUSAND GCDSEAS. to 1 agst Enterprise (6) 1 1000 to 60 agst Hal (t) JUBILEE 8TAKBS. 'SO to 1 Sgit Jendfeo to 1 east Saraband (t) MASfOHESTES BKTTIMG.

Thubsdat. CEEY AND SUBURBAN. 1100 to must St. Mirin tt) 100 to 8 agst Gay Hermit (t) 100 to 7 Saraband (t) 20 to 1 Radius (tj to Isobar (t) (300 to 9 -ithrd of Fieedoia TWO THOUSAND GUINEAS. to 1 agst Hcsentine (t) 1C0 to 3 agst Loyegold (t) 4 to 1 Enterprise (t) 16 to 1 Kugftlty tot Swsreit) J' BSE DERBY.

to tol ajrat Siorsotine (tfj '3 1 OBOTDOK SPRIN0 MEETING. TmmMZ. rr A fairly 'numerous company patronised the opening day of this meeting, and witnessed a tuSersbly good day's sport, al-Shongii the waef" underwent a great change daring tie Worse of the day, and "turned out miserably wet before the gating, hiob a frdj returned is appended, was concluded. Stat Wslteb Race of 00 sovs; the second received 30 sovs uid the third 20 sovs; weight for age; penalties and Two miles, on the flat. Jir.

J. Jessop's Zelotes, by 4 yrs, iOsl 61b Mr. Owen Torobee'a SprinfrBiossom, 4 yrs. lOst 61b Goater 2 to.W. G.bvens18Horibel, C.

Loates 3 to. J. Clark's Gold Dust, 4 yss, list 11b Wheeler 0 Betting: 5 to 4 asat Zelotes, to 1 agst Gold leaihRgst Spring Blossom and Fluribel. Spring Blossom SnadeaeTurusingtrbtn Zelotes, with Floribel lying last for dearly a mile, when Zelotes drew to the front, and making the cesnundsrof the running won in a canter by three lengths; two lengths separated second and third. D.

Poole weighed for but the mare was found to be lame and did not Salt Selltko Hoot EEs' Fiat Sace of 100 govs weight for age; sallis? allowances. Two miles, on the flat. Sir E. Woodland's Manfred, by Remorse Fleaaa, 6 yrs, Tst 101b (60 Mr. A.

Woodlands 1 Sor. Carew's Crafty, agea.12st (60) E. M. Owen 2 Mr. Terry's Maid of the Mill, aged, 12st (60) Mr, D.

Thirlwell 3 Kr. E. Woodland'u Lady of Xyons, 6 yra, 12 (M) Mr. W. Woodlands 0 Bettingt 11 to 8 on Maid of the 2 agstMonfred, tolagst, Crafty, and 7 to 1 agst ldy.of Lyons.

eot out the Work from Crafty, with Maid of the Mill lying axt tolife Bftid, where she dropped back last. Three fur-loagkfrom borce the lot took closa order, but Manfred drew away amis at the top of the hill, and won in a canter by three lengths, which distance separated second and third. The winner wsjs sold to Sir G. Chetwynd for 170gs. las WooDstna Platk (Handicap) of 200 sovs the second received 20 sovs winners extra.

Five furlongs. Kb S. MugfarC's Mohawk, by Tomahawk Oratava, 4 yrs, Q. Barrett 1 Mr. Heasmea'a Utotion, aged, Sat 71b (car.

8st Sit) Watts 2 Mr. Oswald's Cydonis, 4 srs, 7st 131b E. Martin 3 (Vmt Crarianafe Santa Maria. 4 yrs. 7st 91b Loates 0 Sfc T.

Reynell-Lane's Cloth of Gold, 4 yre, Loates 0 33etting 7 to 4 agst Mohawk, 5 to agst Cydonia, 8 to 2 agst taafiorZ 00 to 15 agst Santa Maria, and 100 to 12 agst Cloth. cSGOld. Xtotion jumped off in front, and made the running trorft Mohawk and Cydonia, with Santa Maria last to the foot flwhSl, where Mohawjc took- the lead but ha was joined at pair ran a fine race bome.Mohawa, who stared the longer, winning cleverly by a sect Thsee leBsShs separated second and third. Cloth of tSoldwasOast. Tee Honwoon Haoticai' of 103 sovs.

Sis fnrlongs. Sir. C. Hibbert'o Eight Bells, by See Saw Mamhatch, 3 yrs, 7st Rubmsan 1 Sir. iSoberts's Midas, br Dsncaster Hidas, 4 yrs, 8st.81b.

J. Voodbarn ta Sherwood's Frefierica, 5 yrs, 7st 131b (alld. W) Wingfleld 3 G.Barrett 0 Mr. Heasman's The Cardinal, 4 yrs, Sst 101b 0 5Jr. yf.

lie Beoiern's Springwood, aged, Sst 71b Martin 0 Mr. W. G. Stevens's Qnlie, yrs, 7st 91b 3. Loates 0 Mi.E.Eahiri4sTttey,3yri,7rt71b (r.7st12lb) C.

Wood 0 Kj.Maaaingtorfs Menelans, 3 yrs, Bat 131b (alld. 31b) A. Coier 0 Betticg 6 to agst Midas, to 1 agst Sight Bells, VI to 2 agst Twitter, 7 to each agst Cardinal and Springwood, 100 to echgrt Flexible, Frederica, and Girlie, and 20 to 1 aest Menelaus, Aftev several breaks away, Grdie jumped off with tts lead, ana made the runnina from Midas, Cardinal, and BgbtBeUsi'nextjn FdEraaa Twitter, with Spnag-woodirsthe rear. Before rars a quarW of a eOs Midas WCTtop to GirBesd the pairjweie 'foBowedte Cardmal, Eight Bella, Twitter, and Frodmcajo the foot of the hill, whor* Orrile dropped away, and Eight Bells closing wig) Midas opposite the taad, the pair tahome a dead heat. Frcderica, who CAme with a rash tn the last hundred yards, was beaten a seek only trcaa the dead-heaters; Cardinal was fourth, finrisgwood fifth, Girlie nest, and Twitter last.

Beii beat Midas. Bettiug: 11 to 10 os Eight who made all the running, and won by a ceci. 3Bw winner wsa bought fori 60 gs. Tan-Chotdon Svbiko Two-veab-old (Hace of 300 sovs the second received 40 sovs; colts Sst, fillies and geldings fist -111b. "Winners extra; "EIto furloaaa.

Sir. G. Day's Abeyauct, by Touchet Miame Hawk, Sst 1 lib S. Loates 1 Mr. Best's by Pellegrino-Elesance, Sst 1 lib C.

Loates Sr. IWfc.Cnfot, Sst C. Wood jar, s. jiaxexa xyxaub, h. uuuw Mr.

Burtotfalnsursnee, Osbornejjun. 2dr. R. Craig's Lord Harris, tlx, Leyboumti's Equality, 9st Mr. A.

Sydney's Webb Mr. E. C. Stsikey'sOsmtasda, Sst Barrett Hr. A.

B. Sadler. Tsonomy'-Seitori's dam, Sst 'Rickabv Kr. 3. 3.

dark's Gold Leaf, Eat 111b Joole Mr, J. HanbraTwibght, Mr. A. Hoole's Fair Game, 8st Holbeach Mr. P.

Price's Priaia8 Naprsadne, 8st Mr. B. Sivmra'a Oowslin. Sst 111b Trickle Betting 8 to 2 each agst Elegance filly nd Sef ton's danr mlt. 6 to 1 eacb.asnt Lord Harrv.

GlinL and Tnihsht. 1C0 to 7 Osmasda, and 20 to 1 each agst Abeyance and Princess A aprasne. goEtne oescoi a moaerace scan, made the xncnirur froraTtviliuht and' the ElcKance filly, with Lord Harry, Glint, and tbe Sefton's dam colt lying at tbe head i or tne ow.e.3 sor a quarter oz a mue, wnea xwingBt toox a clear isaa oi jsieganee uuy, iora najry, unnt, ana vsmunaa, following in the order named to the ton of the hill, where abeyance took a more forward position, At the distance Twi-Jight was beaten, and Abeyance, heading Elegance Sllyoppo-ito the Stand, won 'easily by two lengths: three parts of a 1wth senarated second and third. Twilizht was fonrth. Sefton's dam cedt fifth, Lord Harry, Bedfellow, and, Gold Leaf.

2 1 1 BANK OF ACSTBALASIA. The fiftg-tbigaYsxraual eeBersineetinfcof the shara-hnldprota tMsbaakwheld atthe cbif 'offioeof tthft hank. Tbreadnesdwsteet, yesterday, Mr. Csablxs in tan- Ariie. or in all Sxsa Aue-lon tee hslU-near fceratecf 16 percent, per annum, free of mceme tax.

fteantoseo as ssaa. The OflAmtmr said I thiak -some semarka on Auatraliaa bnsisees wffl be mteresting to yon. rather than to dwelled ttie aacotma which yon have la your hands, as tbe figures are very much the same as at the last meeting, any change being With resnect to the premises, my predecessor in the Chair referred to that, question, and all I can add further is 4h.t the directors arc frttly alive to the desirability of keeping that asset as low as sosable, and although.the value is considered be much greater than the amount at which they stand in the books, still the system of passing from time to time to this account a portion of the profits, we feel anre, will meet with the aosrobatioh of the shareholders trenerally. On this occasion you see we have placed the surplus available to tbe reserve fund, makmg it up to tie respectable total of xne accounts josc to nana rromuiecoionies nave bad the anxious care and examination of the Committee of the Board, and tbty report very favourably of tbe progress of the bank in Victoria, where both the squatters and iarmersare doing very well, and everything appears sonnd, which also applies to New South Walea and Queensland. Mn South Australia and New Zealand, however, we cannot, report so favourably, and in the former colony, I am sorry to tell the harvest has been very poor and only averages about five bushels to the acre, alth ough, in tbe south-east of the colony hear in some of the most favoured spots the yield has been as much as 30 bushela to the acre.

The condition of New Zealand ia not all that could be wished, but I hope we begin to see some signs of improvement, and I trust that at our next meeting my successor In the chair will be able to reportbetter times there, but at present we have no return of the crop lately Irarreetea. By letters received last week tine rams had fallen again in Queensland, and they describe this as being the best season they av experienced for ten years, so I am in great hopes that the squatters next year will have a more satisfactory season then the past. I can- report a very promising outlook for the Queensland goldflelds, and can congratulate the bank oa having good bold of the business accounte in Charters Towers, where the principal accounts are As regards sugar, which paid so well and looted so promising, tola industary, I regret to say, ia not all we can wish; but I am assured that in no country in the world can sugar be grown with such advantage as in Queensland, As to the continuousriains having lowered the density of Queensland sugar, and spoilt the yield, it seems that what is one man's meat ia another man's poison," as the sheep and cattle stations in that country are altogether dependent on rains un-leea water can be stored to'a considerable extent. Since our last meeting the wool trade has been active, but sales which opened last week do not show the imnKwemen over tbe last which was generally expected. You all know how much the welfare of the colonies depends on a good market for wool) and I trust we may see aeohtanued improvement: in this industry.

IVomviduahto statistics lately compiled by Messrs. SChwarteeandCo. and Messrs. Windeter and Co. I quote the followag figures respeettog this article, in which our constituents are more largely interested than in any other commodity.

The quantity of clean wool available for consumption in Europe and North America increased between tie yeaia 1866 and 1876 from 733 to 844 millions of pounds, and' farther increased from 1870 to 1888 to 1,841 millions of pounds. This increase was, tor tiie ftrrmer period, at the rate of 1 4 per and for the latter, at the rate of 19 per cent, and, with tmim-portaat exceptions, waa ecntinuons throughout each period. This increase raised tbe consumption of wool per bead of population from 2.331b. in 1866, to 2.421b. 1678, aid to 2.661b.

in 1888. It is not easy to say to what extent increase in the available supply of weal baa affected thejsrice of tbe article, which bas ilcc-toated to a great extent and periods apparently quite in-deperideat of the ratio of prodnctdon and caraamyptiriri and the ponnlaSan. Take, for instance, the price ofPott Phittro scoured tnermO wool which averaged 26d, in 1868 and then feU gradually and with fluoMwfcoca to 204. in 1869-70. It ihea rose rapidly osain until in December, 1872, it touched as high as but after this fall quickly until 1876, and averaged about 23d.

from 1876 to 18S3. From that period it continued its downward tendency until last year, when the average was about 185. from which, fortunately, the recovery was rapid. Referring to the Frozen Meat am sorry I cannot give you a very satisfactory account, but I look to an improvement when some better arrangement can be made for to sale on arrival here. I should now tell you that tbe published figures prove that the progress of this bank in the last twelve years has more than kept pace with other banks generally.

Oar deposits bave increased over 260 per cent, whilst those of the whole of the banks of issue, including oatselves; have increased about 146 per cent. Our increase of advances shows that we have kept np with other banks, and this continuous progress ha- been going on for the whole time that I have referred to, namely from 1 874 to 1 883. Itmaybeinterestmgtoyoutonote that the population in.ali the colonies in 1874 was 2,208,000, and in 1836 3,600,000, the deposits at the bank ia the former year being 18 6s. per bead, and in tbe latter 25 14s. This will ebow yon tbe pro-cress of flie country both ia population and banking power.

Before moving the. adoption of the report, it is my pleasant duty to bring.befoie your notice enr able superintendent, Mr. Parses. I cannot say too much forhis zeal and efforts in your interests, and his intelligence and ability in bis work and we mast all see that the pjosperous state of affairs now exisizm? is to a great extent due to his untiring efforts in the service of tbe bank. The thanks of the proprietors are due also to the inspectors, managers, and junior members of the staff employed abroad in something Hire 120 branches, and we are bound also to give our best tbanks.to our secretary, Mr.

Selby, who, with our long-tried accountant, Mr. Jeans, and all one staff here, have served, in a most faithful and satisfactory manner. I shall now be glad to answer auy questions which any shareholder may wish to put, and I conclude by moving the adoption of tbe leportaudaccoants. Mr. Botby seconded the motion.

He wubed to put a question as to the dividend bring paid always on a particular day. A gentleman had informed bun that having to pay some calk on shares on tie 26ffi March be was put to inconvenience by the dividend not being paid till the 1st of Aprib Xhe UBAiaaAN sua a was always paiu on the last nam; in March. Be then put the resolution, which was unanimously carried. Dr. Dbtsdals asked what was the policy of the directors with regard to tbe reserve fund.

Tbe Chaibkax said their policy would be to increase, it as much as they could and as speedily as possible. A SsAftguouna said 600,000 of the reserve fund was invested in' the Funds, and he wished to know wbat the remainder was invested in. The Cbahikah said it was used in the business. The three retiring directors Mr, C. R.

Fenwick, Mr. John Sanderson, and Mr. W. R. Arbuthnot were then re-elected.

The Ckaiexas said they had all to regret the death of Mr. Parbnry; an old director." who was well known in the Australian trade, and useful in every way. Ho moved that Mr. AlbernGf H. Gibbs be elected a director to fill the Viicancy.

Mr. Gibbs was engaged in tbe Australian trade and was a member of a very eminent bouse. Mr. ILuultos seconded the was tuanimously agreed to. Mr.

Ones briefly returned thanks, and said he would do the best in bis power to promote the interests of the bualc On the motion of Dr. Dbysoalb, thanks were then voted to the Chairman and directors and on the motion of the Cnna-xak, seconded by Mr. SEaia, thanks were also voted to the superintendent and staff, which brought the proceedings to a conclusion. Abmt and Navy Co-operahvb Society (Lansso). The annual meeting of the shareholders was held yesterday aftemiidn, at the Westminster Town Sail, tbe Hon.

H. W. Grasvenor in the The rcDurt stated that the sales the' year amounted to 2.488,628 14s. and the aaa ten enc 14s. a decrease of 36,976 as compared with the preceding year it being added that this decrease was only apparent, a larger business having been done at a lesa total value.

The giosa profits from the trading, manufacturing, and miscellaneous accounts amounted to 276,678 and the working expenses, includinginterest on debentures and deposit interest account to 205,991 8s. 3d. Adding-the net profit ci 4s. 4d. to the balance brought forward trotn last year, 18,635 5s.

a total of 87.122 10s. was obtained. Deducting from this emounr Is. 8d. for tbe usual i.iif-yearly payments on account of interim dividend, interest on bunas, and Employes' Provident Fund, a balance of 78306 8s.

3d. was left available, oat of which tbe directors recommended the distribution of a dividend tor tbe six months ending 31st January at 5 per oent. per annum, free of inwmin tax, 1,500 interest on deferred bonoa account at the same rate, 5,000 an addition to tbe contingencies fund of 10,000 and 10a, per share to the deferred lionus account, 30j000 altarethcr 64.731 being distributed, 26,124 was left to be carried forward. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of tbs report ana. accounts, attributed the decrease of the sum of about 37,030 to' ditsiniiihed means arisicg from national impoverishment' and.conaideriug the diminution, he observed it seemed somewhat startling to find that during the past year tbe society had received 45,000 more orders and despatched 150,000 more parcel than in the year before.

They had sold in bulk more goods than ever. In wine there was an excess of 30,000 gallons over any previous year, but tbe oaeh received was 706 less than in tbe preceding year, consumers having gt what comfort they could oat of the lower value. (Laughter.) After explaining" that the value of tbe tobacco stolen by an employe, whose prosecution was reported in the newspapers, was only 30, and that 20 worth of the goods had been recovered, he said tbe directors did not propose to make any farther addition to the deferred bonus account, but to substitute for that the payment of a cash dividend or bonus on the shares. In concluding, be that within the last day or two the directors bad obtained a licence for the sale of intoxicating liquors at tbe store, and explained that there would be a separate luncheon department for thnae who partook of them Pym having seconded the motion, a discussion enauedt in the course of which General Codrington moved an amenament requesting the directors to aond tothe shareholders uli report of the recent arrangements with the auxiliary society. This, having been seconded, was negatived on a show of bands after which the original motion was adopted.

KEW, YOBI, PKNSBTXVASIA, AND OHIO KaILWAY. A meeting of thehohdholders in this railway was held at the Cannon-street Hotel yesterday afternoon, for tbe purbose of electing voting trustees for tbe next twelve months. The report presented showed an increase of over a million dollars in the fraffia receipts of 1888 over 1385, and an increase for tbe first four months of tbe current fiscal year of 1 2J- per cent, over the correapondimr ptriai of 1S3S-6. The net income for the year was 1,087,793 dollars of which 480,080 dollars were applied for interest on the Prior Lien Bonds, and 694,298 dollars in part payment of the coupons due in July and January. Sir Lewis presided, and stated that as to tbe general position of the aSairs cf the railway, most unquestionably was not only an improvement of a substantial character, but it was clear from all the evidence from different quarters that the progress of business affairs in America was steady and continuous, and the returns not merely of this railway but of other railways showed a considerable revival of activity in all aarts of the States.

He then grave an account df the negotiations for arranging with the Erie Company new terms for working the Chicago and Atlantic Railway, end referring to their relations witi the Eria Company, said they had no dispute with that company, and there was no suggestion to break the lease; but. during the last month or two the two companies bad been engaged to CflweepandeuBe on certain suggestions, which, if carried oat might improve their traffic arrangements. The object of tbe trustees would be to preserve the mutuality of the arrangement and tbe goodwill of the parties having to work the lease. After some discussion the first mortgage bondholders re-elected 8k Geow Balfour, the Rev. J.

Loctdngtoa Bates, and Sir Charles Teanant as their trustees, and the second mortgage bondholders elected Mr. Henry Cecil Raises, M.P.J Harden Star Grenades. Yesterday afternoon, by permission of the President of the Eoyal Naval College, Ureenwich, an exhibition of the efficiency of the Harden Star Grenades in extinguishing fires, was given in the Eoyal Hospitals' Schools grounds. Four distinct fires wera built up, and allowed to reach to such a pitch that the spectators had to withdraw somewhat precipitately from the heat of tho flames. In each instance one or two of the grenades were found sufficient to extinguish the roamig flames.

It was pointed out that the great thing in rising the grenade is to secure the breakage of the outer glass covering, containing the fixe-eztingaiaoing gas. Amongst those who witnessed the experiments' yesterday were Admiral Braadreth and Commander Kowe. Amongst others ho have recently practically admitted their belief in the ueafulaesa of the invehtieh are the Duke of Westminster, tha Dnke of Cambridge, the proprietors of nearly all the London Theatres, and the managers of the London anions and mhrmnries. Certainly, from yesterday's expesimeatsy it vonld seem that any sudden out-hreak of fire, espeoialiy if caused by such an accident Bsthe npsetHogof a lamp, can; if tackled at once 6y meanadf these grenades, be speedily and easily overcome. TKB BlSaCZNCtKAat ist TSAMt, BJlEOH 81.

Itt viewof the apnroaching ouarterlymseeag no large orders have been given ont, and feoogh acre is rather more inqmry for raedtiira qualitiea oi bars and sheets, the general condi-Oohof trade is quiot. There is a fair bnsiness doing in iron underbid contracts. Prices af marked "and i medium Qualities are steady, at 7 for the former and 6 10s, to ft for the latter but common h'on is rather weak and variable. Ssjeone is the remedy for coughs and cedda, asthma, bronchitis, inaainmaticn, and congestion of the lungs, pheu-mcbia, pjeotisy, WboopSng-oougb, orbnp, ttlphtheria; pharya-gTAanmmSs, catartb, sorettiross, quinsy, enlarged tousflaj Soarssaeasi Toss of voice, colds in the head, otoena, hay fever, audaRothwoamplamteoftherearirator Cowaht (Ltinited), 17a, Daxe-atteet, Manchester-square, London. Pamphlet post-free on demand.

Free Dispensary fo the Pa at 8ft. Mwieboofrwaa, F. isomoay iot uacaa, sm arrived Navarina. (M tforXoDdon. andTniBbe.

Honn Eonu gMMUW, tUU. V. V.SWS OITCg, JftfoYBembay.Teft an the evaraajtof tte 29a.ith a i caonrcails of toe itsta ana Hixsasas, hsj awuuiiua, fflsocn w. xanjore.froa WvWW. Stft'i 5p.ro.

to-day with tStabamewaii indu, Chma, tttfjutfji. lian mails, BALTIMORE, March 30. Main, from Bremen, hmx 'Jr. day. 31.

CBrtbaspauaB, from Lfverr liaa arrrwdT BOSTON, March 30. Kansas, for LiTerpooi jj. Btrian arrived this raorninj Jan RrsydeL from Ani' has arrived. BROWHEAD. March 35.

Britannic Htm tLpaased at 5 p.m. to-day. AYRE3, Kareh Sot lendoa. to-day. si wCAtXJDTTA, arrived this raaBire.

Nubia, for London, naased-thia arrived to-day and Almora, Brisbane for Imdon. laft tetday. GIBR.U.TAR frem Bassein, anwi to-day. ise Sydney or London, and St JtegahBS-and Marseilles for Liverpool, have passed. MametoteTS difi for Bombay, baa passed.

Govioo.E&st Indies teSS werp, has passed. Stentor. Liverpool far Penaag, bas msS" Can Forbes, Calcutta for London, left to-day? GRAVESRND, March IcaviTiDtaAv takes out 76,000 in silver bar and 400 cofrTafeeVS Bombay. for Boston. tefttc-4ay G5.AS?' --TVaaiaba, SouttS Coast of Africa for Liverpool, passed to-day wifii mails passsngera, GRAVESBNB, Hardi 30.

Lhapose. Port Natal vi don Dock, nassed Vdav. ilWl? 5 ft Ie AdaiW, Atarca Ealtiraore for Bremen, easel at 6.1 0p.m. to-day; Nederland, New York -foTihS? passed at 10.30 a.m. Susyia, Hamburg for.

New y0ri, rSd at 310 run. to-day. j-n gOTLB (H-S-WMarchStHPertKrie, lorfSfc mHRW YORK. March left at 11 ajn. to-day rtti 389 hags of mails for London, and 'a large mimbaof a sogers.

India kfttolay for Av(nunotith. QoiasTffi Lcifehaa arrived. Superior, from'ayap, at noon to-day. be, torn Breraen, ha? sdim 6m to-day T' 1Ema' arxort PEEM, Mgch 31 sniwsA to-dav. Coronet "lef i.tsy iorJcisfes; Y-v -v wa4 ClUUWOafl fas.

RIO JANmRO.Mah28 on ar'SjxiaSjfiojri. t3alicia. from lnrot)e. urAvpA SCILLX', Match 31. Doiian, oaay.

BHANGHAL KarA for Siofits, ObSna. aAiJagsn, tmtxh, sor Loafloo.jetc farBita ocoerparEsrn-aya via tasnng mans, passej Jf-! MarcS31. NewoaSyetoid for Bremer, she totsgat 9,000 specie. 6jttei, -toCeBi town Feb. 9, Sc.

Helena Seb. 16, asd MafeS last night with i passenseia, cargo, and Ou pfe. mails were landed at PAmouth. ST. CATHERINE'S TOBfT, Mrach Csstte.

SewY(gkftti, and Yokohama, turn avm Akyab, for United ffisedom, has attiyed shire. London for Yakoham-i, hasni-r at Port Said, Afeban, ayde for Hong Komr, anfyaS aiErt8affl Parklands, from Rangoon, and rJmpreffliof T-yW Caicatia Jar TENERD7FE, March 31 -Ionic, from Lcndco, arrived 84) morning, and proceeded again for Newieahud. with -raula asJ (LATEST CAPETOWS, March 31. Moor, which, left StjaoaaY March 11, arrived at noon to-day with the Cape of Good Ems and Natal mails. DUNDEE, March 31.

Critic left at 6 p.rn. to-day fin He. York. GRAVESEND, March 31. Verona, for Bombay usdCaial, andMnnosa, for Calectta, left to-day.

LTVBRPOOL, March r7 "Bahia fa; New York and Circassian, for Portland, left the Keraey to-' day. San Juan, for Porto Rico, also left Cm Mersey to-dHv 31. City of Montreal, from New York, arrived ia the Meaty to-day. OLD HEAD OP EfNSALE, March 31 fflnt. far: PhUadelphia, passed st 2 pjn.

to-dav. Adriatw.fcrNeB York, passed at 2.46 pan. for New York. ttvesoat for Baltimore, passed at 6.10 pjn. to-day.

iLEECAKTILB SHIPFIN8 SOTS. tfsoM ijoKB'i, Masce St.l WRECKS AND CASUALSSBS. Lloyd's agent at Montevideo telegraphs, andet date Kaich 30 Chiloe. British barque, and Carraen, Spaaiahbtij, hsv been in collision bothvessela are badly gram from New York, dated March SUieryalaTlElsrv Bilhio York, was eco*keaMarch 15, in lit. 51 N.64 W.vtih mainmast sprnnfr.

A telegram from Lloyd's stewl-statiin the Lizard, dated March 31, reports: An Enghshtliree-mastal brigantineis about six miles eouliof making for Falmouth, with her bom smashed apparently by collisioa her main and mizzen fojmsteare doffn, and he eiKnalledJO rudder damaged; asvedtdoostto get her to signal her name, but she hit not vet dona art-Oaso, steamer, for Cardrif, in going dbira East float, river Jfersey, struck the Albert Dock enhance, and damaged ier ownoo. Lloyd's agent at Falmouth telegraphs to-dt: Chocolate. Girl, from West Indies for oft Palmoutt, with rudder damaged through colliaon Araona, Pulmouti; engaged to tow ber.to London. A caUegrim aaa Valnaraiso reports (ilaslyn is totally wrecked; css swt Lloyd's agent at Marseilles telegraphs feqia; steamarofthe Compagaie Paquet, torn tbe Ruui to, ashore in entering port and remains; part cargo tgrwt will have tojbe dischargefl. British barqn8elacfrooivRe9 York, in coming np theriver at Bordeaux, got oft with asiifotsincc.

Steamer. Carlo, of wwifl, eoslfflej with pier at St.Nazaire; bsrsjaatt temporarily and proceed to Hnuv ddnhia. etates XTnited States steamer, ItesoaT.Broaiifiei and wilt have to lighten to gat off, Austrian liMoaSata grounded, but is not likely to take injury. Bfltsh rteuwt-Ella Saver broke from her moorings led greuaaeo, ro mik-wards came off, making little water. A tefemun BW Qucenstown this afternoon states srgaU aastetee-Weaver Puint reports that while Fieetwing, beating in the harbour she took ground abreast oftlle aigsf station on sand outside the rocks and remsiaa, LONDON ARRIVALS.

AND THE DOCKS THS VOSElfi QO LTO. iTclearashed from March Hamburg lagtoc.s. a1. Cambria. Dnokirk Barou Oey.

Asteerp; Cityof Oporto i'o, London Dock; Kirkheatoyi Anwerp toga. Piedrikstadt; Cyenet, BorJojrcerAUuOnBrasw wig, Memel Skien, Preirikstadt Hff foTir for Surrey Duck; -Ghent Olivia, Danzig Coraiti Dunkirk Hannonie, Fredrilrstsdt fdr Surrey WHM Treport Oapulet, Havre Alabama, Antwerp JHWO, QueriEsey'. LONDON SAHdrTQS. (TeiegrajphedfioinemveseadJ Mim-b 30. Baimv.t West Bay, N.S.

Swifi a Sodogse Tre Tenner, Copeimag; Mam, Win at Thrtmnn Port Iris. Rotterdam Coloavier Ostend. HOME ARRIVALS. BRISTOL, March 31. Ossian, s.

3uB; gSi i Bordoacot; Ivauboe, Jtohux; CSKWbMce. CARDIFF, March 3 Jupiter, s. SSii. Havre. DEAL, March 30.

Balftrornl Odessa; CaboVerde, JJ llVf'e' don -TiDBLLV. March 30. City of Lisbon, asbg-J" March 31, Marie D0'ute' iSTMarf- OREENOCK. Kara 31. CcUwcd land, Minerva, and Black Sea, all foar GRlklBY, March 31.

Maria gieiffli, BkWjW'S ttrat, March 31.Ligurn,s,pdesrH01JVH Cadoxton, New Orleans toWfifiW: BhTck River Floke, Bftfee Erato, Reval Eorepxb Amsteraam. LeStH. buT Mascotte, Rotterdam LIVERPOOL, March 30., TJhto, Tcmeozc Carlotta, Agaga, Puerto NEVmRT. Marei30.Cerleon, BUliPLYMOUTHi.il31 AdVI BAILINGS. CAHDlSSl BRISTOL, March 31.

Hypatia, ft iiSS March 31. Florence RicheKtss, Spezaa sQ. disi; Gen. Roberts, ya Said; Patagonia, Rio Janeiro; garibaldi, Sfflcr Vera'Crakpd, t. Stevenson, s.

Port Said; Agnes i Mlodew, Port Said Forsete. Santos DoaTO t. DEAL, March 31 Staatott, Simderiaaa j. fgS Eioto'eiro; Paerder. Chrfe-GOC Aiis mm BSnxTst: Aubin; Liito SpeJpS Ba7onnc SJ.

Stj ernsn, IS. grlSthenburg Sir Galahad, Euelv, TaIen011U FOREIGN ALSOA BAY. March28. fabHBhan, ag-- MScU29. Scottish KrhewcasUe.

W. ftaiNitb.Loa; raa HOBSON BAH, aarcn w. videov IftUIdUa March 28. ofiPetateek Monte KONISBSa. March 30.

Essex, Ignte g5 Merck Trieste. Marcs, MJasinflSu NEW XUKi. nawaraen, JV port. PJSRJiAausuw, aiMcai "'SSWrrti March CANAL (at FOREIGN SAHJMGS. jrgjijr-.

BBNISAF, Match 30. Balrej-Jrw TOTOPLE, March 30. CJVjShSS HAQEN, March 30. ft'SfSto-31. Avoca.

SYDNEY. N.W., March of Athote, Aaaa- VESSSI ESTEEBg LONDON CTOTOK tf3 Wa March 3K-LymingtoS, toes-T. a Lawrence iKJWW iSS" boro. A. W.

taurchwariaod Son tlebridge Tier. Weathcriey, ISNavffinCorf i Hamburg. Horselydoya, TctsS Fanny, Palkenberg. C.D, S'S coTS5, Fredenckshald, R.CJJ., Sarpsborg, 8.D., H. Clartsmund SjSrft-Hermitage Tier, Craven and Cork, s.

Oporto. Coyerley. nmmcm -racns to-day. rch30. GJedaaLfarBstavia.

and BRITISH SHARES. Bedford United 2s. 4s. BhuHiHs A SonthCoaSnrtow Soutli Crafty. Cam Brea Tib croft iTbnllovtfsfted Tteraaoance Van.

132. D'Eresby iH East Blue HOI Bast Bool 58 Eeton HomeMinesTnist 4s. Weardate West Basnet WMdi West Frances 12; Wdcf Andnhvhin' IS 9xd Great Killifreth Lead HQis Marke Valley West Kitty 8K West ti WeetWheal Sefam 9 Wheal Agar 36 Wheal Basset 10V Wheal Crebor Ja Wheal 17l" UThonl ICiltM 2 menanear HewKrttv. Phcenrx Uru'tea Polbeno Prince of Prince Royal Roman Gravels Wheal tTny 1K Yorkamre Lead 6s. 7s FOREIGN SHARES.

Alturas Almada Mason and Montana Mulatos Mysore Mt Ballaghat Mysore in a Baltts, 0 70 Bonnie Dundee CaafortuaGoldNw. 5cp Canadian CallaoBis 190 210 Cape Coppet. 26 26 Carlisle par JiP CastiOou Chile 40 Do. Gold Fields 3 3J( Mysore West ft A Mysore Gold 614 DcHeefs 1 Nine Reefs 2 A Ifodveau 16 28 New S.E.Wynsad A Nandydsoog 1 2 Organos if Oorcgam 1 DcsPret. Xk Orita 13J Oscar, 4'0 60 1 1 2 2 Part Phillip 18 28 Potosi 26 38 Oueeh, No.

2 par RioTirtto 11 11M Richmond fi VX Ruby 60 70 7.0 80 Santa Barbara-IV i SartU Maria- 130 160 Cojrfapo Cumberland Day Dawn. Denver Devala-Moyar Don Eberbaidt Stlallao Empire Ethridge. Frontino 4: Bolivia Glenrock. Gold Hill Great Zaruma Hoover Hill Indian CoewI Kapacga T.a Trinidad 20 70 20 30 't6 180 200 60 60 48 86 28 38 St John del Key 136 141 aoeiwro Gold Sonors TransvaalGold Union Gold 14: 1(4 1A 76 United LiihoVEerlya Victory Peril share 17s, paid, The above Quotations ate supplied by Messrs. Seward I and Co.

7, Dw.peis'-i!rdens. COMM1KKOIAL AXCD MASKBTS. PEODTJOE. MaftaKa-tAER, iSJsm Si. Beataoot eontinneain sfedy demand, at 1m per nMmian nm, Mnfci Raid.

Annl at 11b del. ana Arm prices, 1,800 biuw OTBtalK IWerora, at 14s 3d to 15a WbaSSOlS Trinidad, at 14s 3d to 16a: andlOO bags white aryataffiMd Mauritius, at Ms. Hctmcd ia mere rfi flrmar utioea, Etoved goods acild, Tate's cubes, at 18s 8d; second 8d. Kariineaa's cut loaf, 18s 8d i tatter's, 17a: 6d; Scbwatta's cut loaf, 17a 3d; cryateSa, 1 0s 3dTLTle'a graurdatoo, 18s 8d to 17s yellow cane crystal-lined. 16a, Eoreiga loavearcmaia quiet.

Dutch raushea is again fimer. R. 6. prompt sold at 14s and A. 8, at 14s "Clyde cmahed, martet nctive at tall pnees.

COFFEE. Tha parcels offered to-day went off aeely at foil nrices to Is advance. 305 casks 88 barrels and bags yhmmticin. Cevlco sold nnall.77s.to 81s; low middling to middling, 82s to88st good rrnddling to flue middling, BasSdtosus! fine to bold, 91b to 100s; fine bold, 101s: to 107s peabenr. 80s to 87s.

80 tags Litems Ceylon sold-small, 71s rnedium, 72s6d bold, 74s to 75s peaberty, 63s. 18 eases, 2,000 bags Eaj India soldemail, 80s to 84a: nuddlinf to good nud- peanenry, his i wj Rica sold-liw rtriddtmg pale twemsh. 78s to 78s 8d mid-Sing, 78s to 80s 6d7gS)dhar, to 82a 8d boldjSls to 87a fine colors medium, bbs tow snpenor, mbm. R4Bdto88BSd: and 10 paekaBes Jamaica, low to 80s 6d. 'Privately, ordinary pantos sold at 83a, and sugensr at 70s, cost and freight.

COCOA. auu nags smu irmioaa, cua vu TEA. The market for Congou remains quiet. 7,300 packages sold in public sale without reserve low to good common red leaf Congou, 545 fair to mediam, 8jd to 7id good, mtom b9ien leaf, 4Jd; siftings, 3id PsBm, 7id to 9d; low dusty black leafid BMtoM sscented Csper, low to common, 4Ja to 6d medium, 7dta 8d ecented oranjre Pekoe, 43d to Bid; Moyune Grmpowaer, good tofne, liPto 1sW; Imperial, 8id to 10M rng riysoa, Jow to 4Jd to Stf igood, IMd to tujd fine, Is 2id to la 84d Hyson, low, 41d to Is fine. Is 4d.

RUM and RICE. No sales reported. PEPPER. A moderate business has been done at Vigdfor fair Penaag white. continue good demand, and puces are Srmer.

ProviEcjai sold barrels, at 25a cases, 25s Sd to 26s Vostizzs, S2a to 3fe. Raisins qmet. COTTON. The market for Bait India remains firm. TOTE.

Tho market is dull and prices easier. GAMBDSS. Eusiaessdone in whole bales, on tbe spot, OILS. Linseed, on the spot, ISe 8d to IBs 10Jd; May-Anguat, IBs 9d HuU, on the spot, 16s lOJd to 20s IJd March-April, J8s 10id. Rape-Eojtnah brown, ton the spot, 20a9d forward, 20s 10Jd refined, I2s 3d.

TTJBBNTESE. American sprrits, 27a 3d to 28s. PBTROLECtM. CM, American, 53-16d to 5Jd; Russian, 'ALB. copper urmioarSagoouoramaryouaa cwuii hrAA Steoifcn.

4tfi2 lish pig, 12 16s to 17s 6d; Spahisi, soft, 12 18a to 12 11s 3d. Spelter eoatmues quiet. ordinary hraada, 14exship; specials, 142s 64. Iron; Scotch pigs olosa at 41s 11d cash. BbTTSB.OsaK, Make 31.

Io market 322, classified as follows: Firsts, seconds, 115; thirds, 167; fourths, 18; Tbe quotations werei-Firsts, 120s; seconds, 100s thirds, 92s mild, 114s kegs, 85s; mild, 110s. COTTON. Liverpool, Masoh 31 fair amount of busi-nfss has been transacted Amenoan without quotable Change in prices, Brsailian has been in active demand, and notations ate geaerafly raised 1-16d ier lb. "Etttoies" areqnietatl to 2 points decline. Estimated sales 12,000 bales, including 3,000 on speculation and export.

8,480 American, 4Jd to 7id 600 Pemam, Maeeio. 6 7-164 643 Hio Grande andPoraiba, 6Sdto57-16d; 1,400 Ceara and Aracaty, 5Jd to 150 Matanbarh, to 5Jd 800 Egyptiaa, ejd to 3d 2.000 Surat, 2 9-18d to 4 15-16d Madras, 5 3-16d. WOOL AND WORSTED. Bbaditobd, MaSos 31. The wool market to-day is quiet in tone.

The transactions in English wool are quito or a retail character, and in some de-scrjptions, espcdally Lmeoln hogs, prices show a softening tendency. Deep-stapled wools also are barely firm. Still, prices in the country are maintained with marked firmiess. Botany wools are slaw of sale at prices easier than those ruling at the London sales. The.

wool trade seems to boouite destitute of animation. Mohair and alpaca are rm There is rather more doing in alcaca. The yam market siurfra no improvement. A fair amount of business has been done small lota for escort, and spinners are kept fully employed. Sm33ffs, twofold and single tabs yams have, bean in iBjrdemaad.

The prices realised are barely remunerative. Ihiaietlie flnnftr wmlt in hnth Kaglbih and Botany antn-amgs, The yam market is inactive. The demand in both plum and. fancy fcbrica ia much reduced, ana there is oonatder-Shly lesajdame in both wwrsted coatings and linings. LONDON CJlAlNIAL WOOL SALES.

Mascs 31. The sales have gorus utthnot change tiaa eKrtirw, Mesas. Wilinns and Overbnrya catsiaru comprised bales, 1,648 New Zealand, 1 ,653 Port Phillip, 688 Adelaide, 441 Sydney and Queensland, 68 Tatmaniao, 633 Cape andNatal; and Messrs. Buxton, Ronald, and cabdogue 4,134 bales, 1,615 Yfctraaan, 1,232 New South Wales Queensland, 1,389 New Zealand, and 18 bales Cape. Tbe list of arrivals was dosed this' afternoon with a total of 278,000 bales of which 220,000 Wes aud 21 ,000 bales old stock will ba comprised in the present series, the remainder going direct to the country and Continent.

CORN. Bbibiol, Haecb 31. English wheat very firm, there being not much on offer. A slow trade for foreign, and hoMerssubmfttedtoadeoliMOfMpero.r. Barley met with an improved sale at full prices of last week.

Maize found few buyers at (3d per qr. redaction. Oate without change. 31- Trade during the week was flat for all articles, and occasionally wheat quotations were slightly easier. At to-day's market, with an average attendance of buyers, a quiet feeling prevails generally.

Wheat sold to a moderate extent at previous figures. CATTLE. Metsofoutah, Maboh 31. Very dull trade in all the market, with depressed value for both beasts and sheen, the reduction being Sd on the best and often 4d per 81b on the middling qualities. Lambs sold at 7s 4d to 8s.

Calves met lesa inquiry. No change reported ia jpig trade. Best Norfolk home-breds, Davons, 4a; best shorthorns, 3s 10d to 4s; second quality beasts, 3s 4d to3s6d; inferior, 3s to 3s 2d. Best Downs and half-breds, Es 2d to 6s 3d; best long wools, 5s to 6s 2d: second qualities and ewea, 3s 10d to 4s 4d. Calves, 4s 8d to 6s 4d rough, 2s 8d to 3s 4d.

Total supplies 690 beasts 2,200 sheep 80 calves. Defotobb, Maboh 31. No bullocks on offer to-day, but a large supply of sheep with very dull trade at irregular and easier prices. Calves also worse to sell. Supplies and prices as fallows Beauts, none sheep, 8,133 Germaa.36 8d.to4s 4d; calves 241, Dutch, 4s 8d to 6s 2d per Bib, sinking the offal BsiSTOii, Makcb 31 supply of beef of rather iadiffe-isnt quality, and a slow trade at Ms per cwt.

for best qualities, and 43s to 60s for inferior. A fair number of sheep, but quite eoual to the demand choice wetheri made Sid, useful skeepSdiandewesTdpesle. Moderate show of store cattle, three-fourths of which were English, and the higher prices asked cheeiisd bade1. The Irish steaMerS brought 600 ciga, which -soldi at 9j. 6d per score for baeori and 10s 3d to 10s 6d -for potkera.

CsasTss, Massb 31. At to-day's market there was a large supply of horned eattle sad a numerous attendance of buyers. Barrens fetched from 9 to 14 10s; smaller stirks to 7 10s best milch oows 14 to 19 Scotch horned and Irishewee scMat from 22s to pet head. DtJBUK, 34A8CH 3i, Smaller supplies of stock being on offer here to-day produced a livelier trade, with prices the torn against buyers. Beef, 42s to 65s per cwt; mutton, 6d to Sdoerlb; iambs, 22a to 2Bseaeh: pigs a very bad trade.

8d; 7id toSd; veil, 64 to par li, A good supply andfair ctenana. HDSAT. CuraaAt, MAacH31. There has been no tangible change inthemAiieS tolas', but the demand is still very Bruited for ail Sands. Beef, prime, 3s 4d to 3s 8d middling, 3a to Ss 2d; inferior, 8b 8d to 2s lOd.

Mutton, prime, 4a 8d to 4s 8dj middhsg, Ss 4d to 3s 8d mferiw, 2s8d to 3s. Veil, prima, 4s 2d to 4sSd; middling, 3s 4d to 3s 8d inferior, 2s 8d to 3a. Fork, prime, 4s 4d to 4s 3d middlmg, Sa lOd to 4s 2d inferior, 3s4d to 3s 8d per 81b. POULTRY AND GAME. Mabcb 31.

iwii mavrd nlowlv. bat with verv little variation in nrices. Turkey poults, 4s i to 6a goslings, Ss to ditto, 2s 6d to 3s 6d; Irish ditto, Ss to 3s: chickens, 1s 6dto Ss 6d; pigeons, Bordeaux, Is to'ls4d; quails, lOd" to 1s 44; prairie Sue, 2c 3d to Ss 6d; Btarrmgan, 104 to Is 2d English hares, 4s to 6s each. FfflBV BiMasasaA'TE, Mabob 31. Fair snpplies and qniet Turbot, 4a to 15s; brill, 1a to 6s; cod, 2s to 7s; skate, 3s to 3s grey mullet.

Is 8d to 2s red mullet, 8d to 1a eatis; salmon, Scotch, la Id: Irish, Is 6d; Dutch, 1s 3d; i iroot, Is 8d; soles, Is Id; eels, Sd sturgeon, 8d per lb; plaies.169 to 26s haddocks, 9j; sjhifing, 9s per box; dorys, 16s; 25s per pad; Irish ditto, 12s per wore; her- I rings, 20s per barrel; Dutch smelts. Is to 3a per basket; FlBfliisb, ICIs htmdred lobsters, 1e to Sa; each. wsnos Cisteai HmitbBeld), Haioh 31. AahortSupply with a quiet trade. Quotations -Scotch salmon (whole nab), i Is Sd per lb middle ditto, Is lOd per ib; 1 2d per lb; ttirbot, lOd per lb'; btOL 8d per lb: cod, 4d per lb; plaice, 4d per lb; live eels, la 3d per lb; dead eels, 103 per Sb; fresh per lb; skate, 6a par lb fresh ber- rrngs, caper uosen so yttx uuzeu; uiuawra, i to 2a ber San Koriam.

2s to 3sner dozen Cairo: diebr 1 js to 2s per an; (Slicks, 6d per brmdlo mackerel, 4d to od each mrOlete, 1 to'1ifldeaoh hjbstera, 9d to 3s 6d each; crabs, 6d to Sa each; dried baadocks, id to 6d each; oysters, 6d to fa per dozen; escallopa, 6d per dozen; whitebait, 1s per qnart smelts, 2s per basket sarimpa, 3d per pint; winkles, 2d per pint. i SaADwaUi, Maboh 31. Short supply. Slow demand, i Pricss: Soles, 4 IDs' per bank; tnnta, 6s pertrenk; I plaioe, 15s per tsuhk cbd; 8a per trunk; freab fcaddoiais, fCsser trunk i 7s gcr trunk. POTATOES.

Arrn atrrAianatna, Mabcb 31. Supplies continue fair, and -fa good samples flrm fa price. Segehta, 70f to 120; MajirWnSonums, 80e HAy AND fftW. WaiiTOBArat, Mabcb 3i; anpplies, and beat hay more deraana. SSs.to 100a; inferior, 70s to 84a hay.

prime, 70 to8fe; faferior, 46s to 85s; straw. 30s CoaEBKLAHo, REOsara's PAii, Maeob 31. The demand fortbebest quaUtsej. doverheat, 80s to 97s 6d; seconda, 70s to 80s; hay, best, 76a to 87s 94 aeconda. tXSto lis: straw.

80s to 44s ser load. if ill 51 25 2 6s. 8s, 8 8 13s. 20s. 1 18.

i) 2 ajsf 2U 3 31 HI jwest, 102 highest, 102 2a Sd, Fine foreign, cash. i th. stniits. etflilih to103. Lead is dull.

Ene- ffiinctCoflksnae. with Tiara Tbompson last tad so tney ran to nan oisianoe, wnexe Jmsi ausev vuo ww leaders, and the favourite, RettinaShe beatof the race in the Ia6t few strides, won cleverly by half a length, twolenjrtlie separated second and third, co*ckenzie was fourth, anfl Tiara last. Thf! Tinnf was bought in for 250 (rs. The WELrsr. HAsoicAr of 150 sovs, added to a swiapatakes ofBsovseacb for starters; the second received 20 sovs; winners extra.

One mile. Mr. E. O. Starkey's Modiste, by Speculum Cacbniere, aged, 10st12lb i G.

Barrett 1 Mr. J. C. 'Waterhouse'a Highland King, 4 yre, 10st 131b W. xTightsngsll.

2 Mr. E. Bird's Pedestrian, 4 yre, 1 0st 71b C. Wood 3 Mr. IS.

Weever's Boy a Brooas, 4 yrs, 11st Hoibeaoh 0 Neis on 7 to 4 agst Modiste, 7 to 1 airnt HishlAnd Kinp, ana 100 to 8 asjst Boy a Broom. Mudiste was fuliowed by Highland King, with Pedestrian lynw last for a furlong, when Highland Kina drew to the front. went en fvom 3nv Br.jnm to the ton of the hill. where Modiste took np the mnuioR and won easily by four lengths a n.k separata! wcond and third. WIN NEBS AND STARTING PRICES.

Kace. Vmoer. Eider. IrHse. Writer Hace Zolotcs Mr.

Oureu 6 to 4 agst Belliuj Hunters' Dat R3M (4) Manfred Mr. A. Woodlands 9 to 2 agst Woodside Flte (6) Mohawk G. Barrett 7 to 4 agst Norwood Handicap (9) Eight Bells Robmeon 6 to 1 agst Spvinx T'o-year- Old E3oo (15) 8. Loates 20 to 1 agst Shirley Ariel F.

Webb Evens on Welter Handi- csp (4) Modiste 7to4egst (The figures in parentheses indicate the number of starters.) BETTOfG ON THE GOTJESB. CITY AND SUBURBAN. 500 to 60 agst Gay Hermit (t) I 9 to 1 agst Bird of Freedom 100 to 12 St.Mirin (o) 100 to 6 Harpenden(t) PROGRAMME FOB THIS DAY. (The letter a is prefixed to horses which have arrived.) 1.40. Tus Ssllisq Handicap Hubdle Race of 100 sovs.

Two miliis, over eight anrflies. Ys at 10 Ts st lb a 12 7 Mill Green 4 11 3 Hiilosouhei 6 12 6 LordBegent 4 11 2 aWootfman a 12 41 Qcsport 4 10 12 Zom a 11 13 Mystic 4 10 12 (iFredenca 6 11 8 Roderick Dhu 6 10 12 Resia the Bow a 11 6 Juvenile Plats of 103 sovs; oolts Sst, fillies and Celdiiips 8st 1 1 ib the winner to be sold for 1 00 sovs, if for 60 sllii-wcd 716. Five furlongs. aSultry (60) aBhy Mine (50) aStrephon (50) nf hy Beatidesert oPnaress (60) oGolden Light (a0 (50) I 1 2.50. The Great Welcomss" Hasdicaj of 400 sovs.

uroat waiKiines" course, nearly a mue ana a quarter, Ys st lb Ys st lb Hungarian rinBCtanet Wsre BcotilU .5 8 121 Beaver 4 Baianc 4 Lowestoft 6 Walton 4 7 12 7 11 7 7 7 2 Five Vain Hope 4 3.30. Tbs Wickhah Plate (Handicap) of 103 sovs. furlongs. Yss st lis Ys st lb aAWora 4 8 12 aSpnngvfood a 8 8 'rtbodox 4 8 8 iShiliua8tone 4 8 4 oCanyoa 3 7 12 ssLibetty 3 7 11 oMiss Smith 3 7 11 aCookenife 3 7 11 (iRosette 3 7 10 aXwitter 3 7 10 aQnarrelsome 3 7 8 aFiowery Lnd 7 5 aKenelaus 3 7 6 3.65. The Cboydon Auction Two-yeah-old Race of 300 ovs entrance 6gs for S-snvolds colts 9st 71b, fillies and treldinzs ast 410 penuues ana allowances, cito luiioEKa.

aTyrant (101b) (141b) Rosario 1141b) Bargain, (141W (100) aNonilon i100) aMisjyBaba (141b) (100) oNadir Shah (141b) (180) Eda (141b) (100) Vanity (141b) (2W) Verbena (141b) Heights (101b) aMicroscope (141b) (200) Beatrice RobRov (141b) Bine Boll (Hlbl Achtung (14ib) (iiuoj 4.30 The Selling Mile Race of 103 sovs. One mile. Trs stlb Yrs st lb cBonald oFlexible. 8 11 8 11 aCardinat 4 8 7 8 7 7 2 Six nHerryNote 4. Bad 3 oJace 8 11 5.0.

The Cobisteias WsLTEtt Handicap of 103 sovs, Ys st lb Ys st lb Campanile. aLibafcioa clMohawk aHigbInd King oPeaestrian aMidas. aHygiene aSpnng Blossom 6 117 a 10 13 4 10 11 4 10 7 ...4 10 0 4 8 12 ..4 8 10 ..496 aGeorge Michailo- vitch aEight Bells aDiplomate Chieftain Queen Isenlt colt Eei KorniloS 9 4 9 3 11 8 10 8 Aocnaic. 4 aMary Alice colt 8 7 Tp-mrtatii-ba' riMAnvnnh. Nomifin.

Achtnn? Barcain and several others from Newmarket in the morning. CBOXTON PARK MEETING. Thtjbsiat. This usually pleasant fixture was greatly interfered with by the bad weather which prevailed to-day, as heavy rain set in abontnooa and continued throughout the afternoon, and made the course so heavy that the Buke of Portland declined to start Saltpetre in the Croxtoa Staies. A large and distinguished cortpanv was, however, present, but the sport was only of a moderate character.

Details are appended The Bslvois Weltee Plate of 100 sovs; weight for age penalties and allowances. About a mile. Dnke of Montrose's Hylton, by iSeitoa Gold Wife, 3 yrs, Hat lib Mr. A. Coventry 1 Mr.

Abington's Cashier, 3 yrs, lOst 91b 2 Mr.Newton'sKingsdene,4yra,11st11lb 3 Mr. J. Collier's Plutarch, 6 yrs, 12st Jib 0 Mr. Morgan's Antonio, 3 61b Weldoa 0 Betting to 4 agst Hylton, 3 to 1 agst Plutarch, to 2 agst Cashier, 6 to 1 agst Antonio, and 10 to 1 agst Kingsiene. Plutarch made the running from Antonio and JSongsdene, with Hylton last, lornan a mue, woeu urow ute front, followed by Cashier and Hylton.

At the distance the last-named assumed the command and won by a length and a half a length separated second and third. Plutarch was fourth. Tee ScrjEEr (a Welter Handicap) of 100 sovs, added to a sweepstakes of 6 sovs each for starters only; penalties and allowances. Five furlongs, straight, Mr. Roberts's Pulsation, by Carnelion PnlssfiUa, 3 yrs.

Sat (allowed 51b) 1 Lord Bradford's Invention, 6 yrs, lOst (inc. extra) White 2 Lord Londonderry's Mount Stewart, 3 yrs, Sst 9ib fa*gan 3 Marauis Talon's Dunelin, 3 yrs, 7st 21b (allowed 61b) Whinney 0 Betting 2 to 1 on Invention, 3 to 1 agst Monnt Stewart, 6 to agst Pulsation, and 6 to 1 agst Duuelin. Invention made play from Mount Stewart with Pulsation close up to the distance, where the last named took second place, and getting the better a good race with Invention, won by a neck a bad third. The Fashebs' Plate of 75 sovs, and 10 bovb to the second weight lor age. About two miles and a half, over Mr.

Hutchinson's The Dnke, 8 yrs, 12st 61b Bellamy Mr. Hunt's lily Hawthorn, ts yrs, list 210 Mr. Hunt, Jon. air. Bniokton Mr.

Hodgson Mr. Harvey Mr. Bissill's Bill Tidy, 5 yrs, 12 lib Mr. Coleman's Quick, aged, 12st 61b.i, Mr.Morlay'sGraiiby, Mr Tt WalVa S'fcurirar. TTa.

12st 11b owner 1 U.ttfWn and 100 to 8 each agst the others (offered) Quick was followed, by Lily Hawthorn, Granbs, and The Bill TiSy next for half the journey, when the favourite took up the running, bat he was beaded half a mile from home by The Duke, who was never again headed, and won by three lengths a similar diitanca separated second and third. Tbe Grsmbv Handicap of 150 sovs, added to a swsepstakes of 10 sovs each for starters only; winners extra. Graaby Course (about a mile and a quarter). Lord Bradford's TiKerstone, by Wenloek White Heather. 4 61b (car.

lOst lib) A. Coventry 1 Mr. Morgan's Old Gold, aged. lOst 101b (inc. 61b ex.) Weldon 2 Marquis Talon's Trump Ace, 6 yrs, 6st 41b (inc.

91b ex.) Horan 3 Bettina 6 to 1 agst Titterstone, 7 to 4 agst Old Gold, 3 to 1 agst Trump Ace. The last-named set the pace, and was followed by Titterstone until entering the line for home, where the leader was beaten, and Titterstone oame on to the distance, where Old Gold challenged, but, failing to get up, was beaten after an exciting finish by a short head bad third. Taa Billesdok Coplow Stakes of sovs each starter, with 60 added winners extra. About two miles and a distance, on the fiat. Count Zborowaki's Sweetheart, by Hollywood Sweetbriar, aged, last ait.

iwy i Mr. T. Hutchinson's The Duke, 6 yrs, 12st Mr. Bellamy 2 Mr. J.

E. Welbj's Gamester, aged, 1 2st Mr. Brewster 3 Mr. R. B.

Burrow's Helen, aged, 12st Mr. F. Forrester 0 Mr. T. A.

R. Heatheote's Little Dindie, by Lindric, 4 yrs, Uat 0 Mr. E. W. Baird's Bankwa, aged, 1 2st Mr.

A. Coventr 0 Sin H. Honfs Lily Hawthorn, 6 yrs, 12st Mr.Hunt,Jun. 0 Betting 9 to 4 agst Sweetheart, 3 to 1 agst Banksia, 5 to I each agst The Duke and LUy Hawthorn, 8 to 1 agst Gamester. Sweetheart was followed by Gamester and The Duke, and these were the leaders throughout Tho Duke took second place in the straight, but Sweetheart mada all the runr ning and won by three lengths a bad third.

L3y Hawthorn wasfourtb. The tiBoxroir Park Stakes of 100 sovs. Five furlongs. Mr. Hungerford's Theresa, by Foxirau Hcauop Sst21b Eagan w.0.

Tee Wamhak Hottebs' Hdedle Race Plats of-80 eos winners extra; penalties and allowances. About two. miles over hurdles. Captain Owen's Kilwortb, by John Davis, dam by Black Prince, aged, IMOb Captain 1 Mr. J.

Conpland's by Rosebery Miss Moms, 8 yrs, 11st 21b Mr. Williamson 2 Mr. T. Toynbce's by Macgregor Red Efad, 6 yrs, lOstlllb Rsirnes 3 Mr. W.

R. Brockton's Harold Harefoot, aged, 12et 101b Owner 0 Count Limekiln, aged, Mr.Rpy 0 Betting: 11 to 10 agst Silwortb, 7 to 2 each arat Harold Harefoot andLimekilu.and 8 to The Miss Morris gelding oame on from Limekiln and' Harold Harefoot, with Silwortb, bringing npthe rear. that Harold Harefoot dropped, behind KnworUi, there wasno change until entering the straight for homes where'HUwdrth took second place, and beading tho Miss Morris gelding at the last hurdle, won by tiirco parts of a lengUv the same distance separating the second and third. Harold Harefoot was last. Grayling was struck oat of the Belvoir Welter at seven minutes past one.

LBXCESTBE SPUING MEETING. PROGRAMME FOR THIS DAY. (Th. lottor a in TnMfixed to horses which have 10. The BtLLESOBM Plate Weltee Handicap of 200 sovs.

About one mile ana a quariej. Ysstlb Ysstlb KimboUon 6 11 0 Nautilus a 10 10 Sandpiper 4 9 fi aCyrabalaria 811 oBlason 4 8 10 aBtanislas 4 8 6 aKorster Mvsotis 4 8 3 2 oCassia. 5 aJanicot 3 Scottish Prinoeas 3 oMatin Ball 3 8 4 7 12 7 7 4 2.S0. The Foieay Seluko Plate of 200 gs; mares and mMhim allowed 31b. One mile.

Ysstlb 1 Ysstlb Conundrum a 10 1 oNorthem Duke 6 10 1 eOldGbld a 10 1 jaWilty Prince 4 6 10 aGrayling a 10 1 3 8 3 3,0. The Exoelsiob Breeder' Foal Stakes of 1,000 sovs UU SOVS to tne TOUuer, ituu hk utiuiiuau yc wo wiuuu, ond50eacUtotheowneraud nominator of the second), for 2-yr-olds colts 9st, mliea and geldings Sst 111b winners extra aio ureeumg' allowances, ivc luriun. Franciscan Friar's Balsam The Marquis (31b) Bella Donna Chatelaine Blue Rock Warfare Barleythorpe (31b) La Diva (31b) Larksome (31b) BunnieWeeThing (31b) His? Bessie The Shrew oPatmleaf (31b) DinuesBcU(31bl "Kins Galop (31b) Benbnrb (31b) Irguudcr Sweet Tooth Sister to Earning Mentone Masqne de For (31b) Dauvernay (Slh) Hermia Ayrgnire Elysium Penitent Ende (31b) bPeace i Ear (31b) Hive Gynarchy (31b) Liberation Lassie (31b) Monbasa Saluteo Fakir (31b) Rouleau Hurpagon Connaught TenedeFenf Nether Avon (31b) Hark 1 Datyi (31b) FoUTogetberCIOlb ox) Sky PHo (Sib). Rapscallion -The Vicar 31b) Munchausen (31b aMiuter Bell (31b Peter tbe Grew (31b) Golducre Chilperio (31b) Marshdale 'Slbi Summer Belle CbipLto(alb) Pomona (31b) Strathnaver Tiwisurer Wellistpn (Sib) Moderation (31b) Cautious Writer Windy (31b) ejugsles, (31b) Fuzzctta Astrologer St. Sebastian (Sib) Hoaledeano Sunshade -Ivyf Dutch Girl (31b) 'Havo' Bnrlesoue (31b) fiNellCook Sonetto iStibSme Sly Love (31bJ Craven Johnny Morgan FeneBa NobJi duch*ess Slljmzqwas oj Corrected to sea-leed and reduced to 82 sUg.

F. The black lines show the natxh't of the rauoaieter at 1 o'clock on thistml thres nravisaornings. Xae' dotted lines mdicate tie ftltpajyq TywJni Annrff ywffawtay anil thfltgQ PtevlOCa gaga. The letters ehos the dtrectioa of ttowiria, The Jtoenry ftlls for Bain; with S.W., W. wnds-i rapidly, for hawy atorros; it shHrJy, for (tinned bad weaker.

Itnaea-ii rapidly, for ungemed weather If gradually, for 2ne Twathar. A rise, wmd veerins may be indicaave of ram. The TOMPERATTTRE in the'efim ssi at o'eloolt this monung, as taken at our office in Borrverie-BtreeE, was the reading at the same uour yesterday was 40. The feeezmg point is 32? EaJuwnheit. IFOBECASIS 01? TyEATBiiB.

The following foreoaata of weather for this day were issued from the Meteorological Office at 8,80 pan. yesterday BHSIKtOTS. TOSBOiSh, 0. Scotknd.N', Northerly winds, ateong 5bnt mode-1. Scotland, isting; BfrqaUyj cold showers, i North-westexly winds, strong, a gale jcngiana, Hi.

fair. i. MXd.Countie8 5. EnBlacd. North-westerly -'winds; fresh oi (London and strong epwaaowera, aster uxex.

Channel) 6. Scotland. W. 7. Englncl, K.W Same.as Bos.

tt ana 3.. and N. Wales S.EnsUuirlS.'W' and S. Wales Same as No. 3.

9. Ireland, i Northerly anfl ncato-aiestady winds, 10. Ireland, fresh; gome aoaweni. Warninga. Warnings were isssiea'to IDiabiolB 0.

1 and 6 this morning, and to Districts and part of 3 thmewning. An astaoijk is isssried 8ainsi thosdisfeicts ia which to sjgnahi are now flying. REMARKS. Thubsdat, SDuwk SB. SJQ s.tr.

In course of the past twenfour tmsa -reli-Jaruiai da-pression has advanced from the north-wsetvaid to the nmtbem part of the North Sea, and its central asm now lies betirean Soot-Iandandthe aouth-est ISorway. barameter hasconss-dnently raflen rest, especiailr in taa sail while ateen gradtertsf or north-westecly and northerly winds Aavejbee formed over Scotland, nioderate gradients for siattnostaSy winds, have been fonned Norway. The weathsr has lscoa teryronxli in thenorth, and nnsettW generally. Tha cenbeeioears to be still movine 6onthsiBrds. At 8 ja.

to-day: Ptessnra wo hipioet aUlim and mora) owi coasts, the wast of Frsmoe, And the Say or Biscay tares (M.En. andlessjintheoeritralpartof a doprcodrmlyirtoSweenScoSland and the sonQwest of Norway. GrafiienJa watostsq fornortbsrly winds in th north! and while 'the baromawr httdibegsn to rise eeain in the far north it was tallms elsewhere. Terapcratare was highest def. et Harritz, 484deg.

to SO deg. in ae south of an448 4. at Parts; -tansst (M deg. to 39 dss.) on the eastern ahfaeaof tbe North Sea 57 at Abar deen and 53 degj-at thoHelder. IthadtaUen'ia mctt parte of ooi Islands smaewednasuay.

Wind was blouias a gale trom north andmarth-wesi in Scotland, and a strong breeze from the northwaid ovtr theffnsh Sea, fresh to moderate from west over England, Usht jfromsnnth and southeast at the Scaw and'Skudesnaes. Weather wasasuaQy, with aleet and haiLita tbe north-; ehoirary In the vest and north-vest of oar islands kiu and rainy in the aoathandeast. In franoe.tbe weather was fine asdhoght. Sea vas rough in tee imodsrate in the south-west trat only aSghtiy distnrbedeia the south andeaet, it rouvl'S south-eaatBSirds, is likely to modnce raiher Seep gradients fox ranrSierly winds over now pre- vaumg in Scotland Our north-rest and ncoaeflst ooaste have fiBrcfoee been warned. (ScctradvoswarudiitamaramBO In-creasirig rioraMrasteiiy breezes are likely orajBriglaad, and cold showers generally.

FEENCH KkCim. umouaH sscteb's aqsbot.) AXFEBUfL, BEasoh 31. The follomng are the results of to-day's races here Pars no Chub (Steenlechasel. Hid. 1 VaJasose LL, 2 Pais dk Li PaAraiE (Hardli Saneur.

2 Eubie. 3. Paix Beilkvub. (Steeplechase ijacneno 3. Pmz des Vioixites 1 Ven- geur, 2.

Psix de NarnxLV (Hurdle Rase). Smage, 1 Libre Echaage, 2 Otestin and Ctonence, a dead beat for third Bobeem v. PsAis. play ia the match Of 10,000 up between these famous professionals anaabam-pionship table, at the Billiard HSll, Argyll-street, Roberts conceding a start of 2,000 points, waaineverj way more remarkable than any thai had preceded it. The performances of bothkmenonthe three pwvioua days.

had been of acha iwsdtogetherimpjasqedmltmA table, but yesterday Peall gave a most decideiproof of his undoubted sunerioritvasasDQtstrobe blaver over his brother nrofes- sionale. BicorcSseacedyesjewy witfejaguod deal the worst of the handicap, bat he scored so wall that left OS with an advantage of close upon 500 points. This was mainly due to one break of 445, inelDsive of 128 spot strokes; wtSoh far and away the Sdghest break eve: made on a tjhampianship table. It shonld be stated that the measurements of tho table have been altered according to the cey rules' of the Billiard Asso-nmftirm. but the nocketB onlv measurfi 3 inches at the fall of the elate, and tins performance of Peall rnnat ranji as one of is very oassb acsusvaujuEs.

fu aoatooa wj una nau yesteroay maue oreaics oi ist (33 spots), 122 (39 spofaj, 57 (1 ou iio spowj, ana iiu 1.713 rudnta to Roberts's 111 breaks were 82 (23 spots), 86(11 spots), 76,5445.56 (IS snots). 8S (21 spots), 40(8 ssbts). 82 (13 eto annons), and 44. The score bow stands: Peali, 73; BohertB, W. COOZ V.

SOSBSS. Iwfy good play was shown yesterday at the Westminster Aquaihirain the soot-barred game of 8,000 up between W.Cook and J. Bennett. In the afternoon Bennstt made 63, and 114, and in the evening 72, 64, 40, and 4J. Cook's best efforts during tbe wholeday were 60, 60, 60,50,72, 31,57,76, 57, 92,42, and 67; and when the game was adjourned tie totals stood Bennett, 6,304 Cook, 4,188.

BANK OF ENQLAim, As Acoodbt, pursuant to the Act 7 and 8 Vict, cap. 32, for the week ended Wednesday, March 30, 1887. lSflUa OSfAETKBST. Notes issued Qovemment DebtJE1 1. 01 6.100 4,73400 23,28316 Silver BtsBion 39,04615 nAasixo DBFABXsaSSK jgnmrietorsCanitabE 14,563.003 eovexament Beean- Rest 3,734,770 PublicDeposits (ia- cludmg Exche- auer, Savinga Banltfi, Oornrnis- aoners of National Debt, and Dividend Accte.j 10.543,558 Other Deposits 23,727,338 Sevsn-day other Bills 148,022 Other Securities 21.826.341 Notes Coia 16,545,690 1,47417 52,766,686 F.

KA7, Chief Cashier. Korch31. Rlb. 2a Total. Total.

BATLWAVa. open, sjesgers, cEaatnse. nai. nV Ten S. 12,836 886- 6,64 8,607 16,263 Week ending Feb.

J2, Souti Indian 664 Week ending March 25. Great South. 622 4,985 9.54S 6,996 7,121 13,117 11,828 W4 endins March 26. 33S Detroit, G. Haven, 188 18,985 20,562 75,650 91,080 653 521 3S07 2.782 22,384 64,602 2,333 4638 1887.

688 13.320 4J20 20,421 82,599 70,290 612 421 2,842. 2,806 21,646 64,398 2,454 45,748 1888. 647 Giasgowsbontnwess. Grand Trunk Canada924i GblndianPenmsnla ..1504 14,364 Mid-Wales 43 194 Pembroke and IT 20C Ehymney Week ending Haroh 2. B.

Ayres 35 Buenos AyresGeniJi. 825 Caledonian 778i 16,007 Cornwall 854 1,188 North ..10835 13,236 13,588 78716 359 32! 39,496 1,210 33483 Tbakwavb. Week ending March 26. 1 Manchester, Bury, Boehdala, and HuU, Barnsley, and West BHittg'JuncHon Railway and Dock Week ending March 27, 3,477. Texas and Patoflc and dels.

4,382.83 1888, dols. 862,143.19. SALES BT AUCTION. Otas Bay. CHADWICK and SONa PoaitmrEE; at 35, Sb Mactin'sJane, CharingJrcss, at 1 2 o'clock, and 'WOODS.

PoruranArs abti Djs- coBAirvBOBraoia; at tharr Roornsi Hins-atreet, St.Jaaes'a- sijusirotat 1 am. Messrs. Spoxrrsa ahd tasss Pacras; at 54, Pall Mall, at 1p.m. HORNE, SON, and BonmBB'SSloCK, PfAJfT, abc Macexctbb3 at Cieawrca Want, lotfMosd, at 12 o'docln St. Bride's Youths Institute.

The fifth annual meeting of the.St. Bride's Tenths' Institute was tela last nignt at ino Ansntupe onos-iane), arieet-utrect. LordBrabazon presiding The report showed that there were at present 150 memfiers en the hooks, and that during the five years the institute had been fa existence 1, 00 lade had been enrolled as members. The year closed With a debt to the treasurer of 106. On the motion of Mr.

Horace B. Marshall, geceadad by Mr, James Jndd, the report was adopted. An address was given to the lads by the Key. Prise Hnghea. BtrPTCBRa Ctjbed.

A Kew Washable Truas-Mr. C. B. Harness, the renowned inventor of Eect-iotaio Belts and other curative apnliaaoes.has lately mtrbduceda new truss known as Harness' Xylonite Truss, which has been i(jhly approved of and adopted by the medical profession. It gifts comfort and support withontirritatiou.

It hasaper-fectiy smooth -flesbrcoloured surface. Is cheap and is gtunan-tesd to last a lifetime. Advice free. Call or send for particulars. Note address The Medical Battery Company iLd.

London. tsomer of Rathfrong-nlnnnl. iAdveraacmeac spcera), ux lit spomj, an irSafe). 63 (13 spats). tpdusi, iutagecner aaoaus Tha oliamnian'a chiaf 5 RaceL-Rempart 1 1 susaane, 10 81 to Counterfeit 4 7 4 Cissy 4 Canterbury 3 The Beau 4 Fair Ellen Financier BeUsariusSII.

Fetish Man Shimmer Mezzotint 'Yule Tide Biher Pompa 6 13 6 13 6 13 8 12 6 12 6 10 10 6 7 subscription of 15 sots each, 6 only if declared; for 3-yr-olds and upwards ownr of the second to receive 25 sovs out of the stakes. Six furlongs. 40 subs, 20 of whom pay 3 guineas each. The highest accenting being Bst 81b it has been raised to 8st 121b, and the others in pro- poraon, Ysstlb 6 8 12 .4 8 7 .4 8 7 6 8 0 4 7 10 5 7 Ysstlb .374 Criterion Doubloon Purple Emperor Gannett Vote Cissy The Penman. Loved 4 Whitelock 6 Galea 4 Harmattan 5 Cardinal Wolsey 4 8teAlvere.

4 Dulcimer 5 Bow Churcb. 4 Upset 4 7 5 6 1S by. T)nW Skater 7 6 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 Dnchessof Parma 4 "9 11 Vatican. 3 8 11 Alarum 3 8 8 3 3 7 Intruder 3 6 4 MANCHESTER. BASTES MEETING.

Weiohts foe toe Lancashire Hahwoap Steeplechase Plate of 600 sovs. the second to receive 60 sovs. out of tie plate. About throe miles and a quarter. Entrance sovs.

each, tbe only liability if forfeit be declared to Messrs. Weatherby only, by Tuesday, April 6, or 10 sovs. in addition if notsoaecurea. Ys st lb Ys st lb Hornpipe a 10 7 Pocahontas 6 10 Timbuetoo 6 1fl 6 Sachem a Id 6 Castaway a 10 5 Monolith 6 10 4 Sinbad 6 10 2 Brave a 10 2 Warren Belle 8 10 8 Amkia 6 10 0 Gunpowder 5 10 0 Minute Gun 6 10 0 6 10 0 Roquefort a 12 12 Usna 6 12 7 Too Good a 12 Voluptuary a 11 12 Gameco*ck a 11 12 Spahi 6 11 9 Old Joe a 11 7 Savoyard a 11 -7 Etiquette a 11 5 Frigate a 11 2 Bellona 6 11 1 Chancellor. a 11 0 Magpie a 11 0 RoyalFern 8 10 12 Spectrum 8 10 12 Ducat 5 10 12 Johnny Longtail a 10 11 Unice 6 10 10 St.

George a 10 8 Why Not 6 10 8 ft 10 7 oeyAngomar cspnte it fnyiiis Calabressa Prince Etrnria Expectation Equity Bfa*gLet Idr.l dr. dr. dr. a (dr.) dr. 6(disq) Weights the Jubilee Hurdle Race of 700 sovs.

by snbscriptiaa of 6 sovs. each, the only liability if feit be declared to Messrs. Weatherby only by Tuesday, April S.IOsovs. Becond to receive 50 bove out of the plsOe. Two miles.

42subs. Ys st lb Ysrtlb Ivanhoe a 12 7 Woodlark 6 10 Id a -10 8 6 .10 8 4 10 -9 The Sinner 6 12 Bellona 6 12 Bonnie Lassie 6 12 Ktloreene 6 12 1 Paleface Touoh-aud-Go Skyscrsper by Iagomar Sprite. Cuius Mary Webster Cairo Coco Hardware Malvern, 3 2 2 1 a 12 4 10 a 10 a 10 6 10 Ducat 5 12 1 6 11 Jack Prince Henry The Rath Serge XL Selby Theonbrastos 0 11 6 11 6 11 5 11 a 11 a 11 6 11 a 11 611 6 11 8 11 4 10 a 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 410 (jtucten Mrlrfa a 11 2 Pocahontas IHlesmaa 611 2 Breakfast Luminary 6 11 1 urammona grhrfopnhnm fi 11 1 Koster 4 ftalmi 6 11 0 Silver 6 11 4 11 8 (dr.) Leicester 4 11 0 Lyddington 4 (dr.) Sulphur anil SANDOWN PAEK CLUB SECOND SPELNG MEETING. Acceptances pob the Esheb Stakes (a mid-weight ban-' dicap) of 26 sovs each, 10 with 500 added; the second horse to receive 50 sovs. out of tbe stakes, and the tbed to save his stake.

One mile (30 subs, 16 of whom declared ft). Yststlb Ysstlb Kimbofton 6 9 21. The. Penman, by Annamite 3 9 0 Dotch Skater a 8 13 duch*ess of Parma 4 Carlton 4 8 12 Hungarian 5 8 9 Whitelock 8 8 8 Beaver 4 8 4 by Wisdom Enigma 4 2 Vatican Charioteer 4 by Doncaster Shannon 3 Cabal 3 Spot 3 COUBSING. HAYBOCK PAEK MEETING.

TOTEfinAT. Despite the wot and cold weather which prevailed to-day, tbe meeting was brought to a close in the presence of a torch larger gathering of spectators than attended on tbe opening day, many of those nho had been at Northampton putting an appearance to-day. Then was a big programme to get through, but tbe courses trere run off with great rapidity, and some capital trials were witnessed. Newtob Stakes 18, all-ages, at 4 each; winner or dividers to be solo for 1 0, First Kookb, Tememde beat Martha Latest Telegram beat Donald Wining gon beat Wairapara Caledonian beat Faltering Footsteps Princess Mary beat Joe HI Joe Pulley beat Lance Caterham Lad beat Wealthy King Nitro-SlvcerinebeatNoverton bEOOKD rtoonn. Missing Son beat Teraeaide Caterham Lad heat Nitre-Princess Mary bt Caledonian Glycerine Joe Pulley bt Latest Telegram I TSUBD KOOHD, Missing Son bt Princess Mary I Joe Pulley beat Caterham Lad DSCIDIHG COOBSE.

Mr. J. W. HeHswelPs Son, ty Misteiton Now or Never, and Mr. S.

mcuwooa's job muey, oy luiersme Diamoud Hereford Luss divided, after an undecided. The Spbiso Sakbb for 32, all-ages, at 4 each winner, 50 second, 20; third and fourth, four winners of two courses, 3 each Bcrnaby beat Poet Close Nasturtinm beat Caterham Prince David beat Steel Bow Auditor Meols Hero beat Justify ForraTB Roukti. Burnaby beat Prrnoe Dav.d HeolsKero beat Nasturtium Dacioise Coubss. Mr. T.

Birch's Buraaby, Be Joyful Baroness, beat Mr. R- Mather's Meols Hero, Maepherson- Meols Trien. Tee Doo aso Brroa Sapuhq Stakes at 3 10s. each. Winners, 7 seconds, 3.

No. 1 Beard bcatrBoxton Lad Tarvin beat Same Poult. Decadidine Course Tarvin beat Grey Beard. No. 2.

NewHeld Bum beat Slip; Sister Caroline Crony. Deciding Course Newrleld Bum heat Sister Caroline. No. 3. Merry Mite teat Moss Chirper Paddy's Pet ran a bye.

Deciding Coarse Merry Mite beat Paddy's Pet. Tan BiroE Bamuho Stakes, at 3 10s. each, Winners, 7 Beconds, 3. No. 1.

Ayesba beat Pair Arme Pine Twill beat Plymouth Sound. Stakes divided. No, 2. Reason Why beat Game Hen Yillette beat Fie for Shame. Lecidrr4 Course-Viliette beat Reason Why.

No. 3. Fabriobeat Amanartis Caper best Hopeful Lass. DeadingCourse beat Caper. No.

4. Flop beat Reckless Nell Fanny Parker beat Jane Eyre. Deciding Course -Hip rlopheat Fanny Parker. No. 6.

Blessiogtonbeat Marigold Grace Tweddle beat Begistration, Deciding Course 3raca Tweddle beet Blessington. No. 6. SvBBom beat Fanny EiU; last and FriBky beat Bitter Sweet. Deciding Course Ransom beat Fast and Frisky.

No. 7. Annie beat Sato Whitehall FishgarSh beat Bister Esther. Deriding Course Fishgarth beat Annie, Nu. 8.

Daylightlft. beat Ballad-, Limelight H. beat Mrs. Birket. Stakes divided.

No. 9. Physio beat Starry Glenn duch*ess of Marlborough heat Nellie Miller. Decldiog Course Physic beat duch*ess Mstrlhoroush. No.

10. Princess Ida beat Bulgaria; Be at Home beat, Asucena. AJeaosng worse--mneesaiaa ocas ueat Home. Sus of Hcsbses at Dublin. Messrs.

Sewetl, Son, and Simpson sold yesterday, at their repository in Dubr lin, the Meath Hunt horses, the property of Mr. O. Trotter, when some aood Prices were realised. Mildred was nnrchasea bv toe Marquis of Londonderry for 240 geM tbe Due d'Avig-Uana paid 260 gs. for Shaun-a-Sooop, and Marvel fell to Lord Longford for 360 gs.

Colonel WaHaoe acquired Mistake at 130 ct and Meredith at 250 bs. and Marian, who was boutrht by a resresentative of Lord Zetland 'for 220 was greatly CJtiOKBT.The Leties East Stasis News of lait een-'. lug baa authority to state that Lord Slieflldd, having been ahle'to the anonvmons tetters reoihtty received by birn, may be induced to reconsider bis de- requisition been presented to. Lord Sheffield, and are baag made to Rvfrt Bist vfould be a senous bo? bti tbe game in Ys st lb Despair a 9 9 LNjubloon 4 8 12 Loved One 4 3 12 4 8-11 Modwena 4 8 9 Thunderstorm 4 8 4 Laceman a 8 3 Gnadiana (inc 101b extra) 3 8 3 Cateract. 4 7 13 Lily Maid 4 7 8 Purple Emperor 3 7 9 Dulcimer 6 7 9 Lesbia 3 7 6 next, ana Jiiqaantyiiasr, The Shjelkt Plate of 10S sovs; weight for ago; ellowr air 3.

Dttke's Ariel, by Sce-Saw Little Nell, 4 yrs, Sst 71b F.ftebb.7.

Daily News from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

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